What is?
Cheating examples
Is it Cheating?

Acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage

What is Cheating


John saw Beryl doing Jason's homework for him and told a teacher. Beryl and Jason got caught and received consequences. Later, Beryl told John that "snitches get stitches." What is this an example of?

What is Retaliation?


Genesis has a term paper due the next day and she hasn't started. She goes on a website called termpaper.com and takes a paper off of there. When the teacher finds out she took the paper, what will happen to Genesis?

What is "0'' on her assignment, 3 on the progress report or report card, and detention.


Juanita and Bernice are sitting beside each other during a quiz, and Juanita asks Bernice for the answers and Bernice shows her the answers, because they are friends. Who is in the wrong?

Who is Juanita and Bernice


Being truthful with your academic work

What is Academic Honesty


Sarah and Megan worked together on the math homework by talking about how to approach each problem, but did not share answers.

What is appropriate help?


Cameron is caught cheating a second time. What might happen to Cameron?

Parent meeting, 4 on the report card, possible suspension.


Courtney forgot to study for her vocabulary quiz, so instead she decided she would write down the definitions on her arm. During the test Donald saw her with the answers on her arm, he decided to ignore it and not let the teacher know. Who is at did wrong?

Who is Donald and Courtney


A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author

What is Citation


To persuade to act in ones favor, typically illegally or dishonesty; by money, gift or favor.

What is Bribery


Grayson told his friend Owen that he wasn't prepared for the math quiz. Owen told Grayson "I got your back." Owen pushed his paper towards Grayson's desk so he could copy his answers. What would happen to Owen?

What is 0 on quiz, 3 on the report card, detention.


You're taking a quiz on Google Forms, but you forgot to close the tab on your computer browser with the study guide and answers, but you didn't look at it. Can you be punished for cheating?

What is yes


The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

What is Plagiarism


The practice of obtaining something through force or threats

What is Blackmail/Extortion


Carla studied the night before the test but forgot everything in the morning. She wrote some answers on her hand before the test. The teacher saw her hand, and asked Carla about it. Carla admitted to cheating and apologized. Later, Carla was terrified about how her parents would react, so she washed her hands carefully and told her parents she didn't cheat and the teacher was lying. What will happen to Carla?

Parent meeting with Dean of Campus Life, 3 on report card, detention, zero on the test.


Timothy was doing a research paper, when he found a great quote he wanted to include in his report. He made a mistake with which citation he was supposed to use, therefore it was not properly cited. Will he receive consequences for cheating/plagiarism?

What is no.


A reference from or reference to a book, author, or paper

What is Citation


Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; when you ruin or disrupt something by messing up a part of it on purpose 

What is Sabotage


True or False.  You can be expelled from some high schools and colleges if you are caught cheating.

What is true


You are writing a paper about the book you're reading in Literature. You're not sure what to write, so you look at a website that provides a summary and analysis of the book. You really like one of the ideas on the website, so you write your paper on that topic, but don't use the exact words from the website. You do not cite the website. Is it cheating?

What is yes
