Plagiarizing Panda
Cheating Cheetah
The Fox and The Raccoon
Do your due diligence
Crime or No Crime?

Plagiarizing is the act of doing what?

Copy and pasting someone else's work and calling it your own.


True or False: When working online, it's okay to use Google or ask someone in the room when writing a test. 

False! Unless specified by your teacher, using resources and asking friends is considered cheating on a test. 


What is falsifying? 

Fabricating or altering an academic record or note.


True or False: When you're dealing with a tight deadline, it's okay to report research findings before they've happened. 

False! This is Improper research and is a serious misconduct offense in academia. 


It's the night before a big exam, you and your best friend share study notes all night to help each other. 

No crime! Studying together can be a real tool to succeed. 


True or False: It is okay to copy and paste sentences, just not full paragraphs. 

False! All work taken from other authors must be cited. 


Is it okay to tag your name on a group project when you were really busy and didn't have time to contribute? 

Nope. This is considered taking credit for something you didn't do.


In 'Catch Me If You Can' Leonardo DiCaprio says he's a doctor and produces a fake degree. Is this okay? 

No, this is considered falsifying (or fraud!) and can be a very serious offense. 


Will an "Improper Research" research misconduct follow you to your next University? Or does it only count at the University you committed it at? 

It will follow you, misconduct is recorded and transferred to schools with your transcripts. 

You take the test early and your friends ask you what's on it, you feel pressured and decide to tell them.

Crime! This is a form of cheating, telling people what is on a test without the teacher's permission.


When are bibliographies necessary? 

Any time you use and/or cite other work.


What is "Contract Cheating" 

Paying someone else to do your work for you, online or in person.


You're running really late and see that one of your assignments could work for another class. Since it's your work, this wouldn't count as cheating...right?? 

Wrong. This is considered 'Resubmitting' and is a form of misconduct. 


True or False: Taking tests for your friends and pretending you're them is okay when you are an expert in that subject. 

False! This is considered 'Impersonation' and as the impersonator you are subject to consequences. 


Your friend is really nervous about a big exam, you have a great idea to help them cheat through it and encourage them to do so. You're not worried because you didn't do the cheating. 

Crime! This is considered Aiding and abetting, encouraging and helping someone to cheat.


Is there technology out there to help you find out if work has been plagiarized? 

Yes! TurnItIn is a great online tool at UFV, ask your teachers about it


What is PAW at UFV?

Procrastination Avoidance Week - helping motivate you to finish your work before you feel the urge to cheat! 


You've been sick but didn't have time to go to the Doctor to get a note, what should you do? 

Talk to your professor. Writing your own Doctor's note is not a good solution and counts as falsifying. 

True or False: There aren't any consequences for people who interfere with other students' work, its just part of a competitive program. 

False: Obstruction is a serious offense and is committed when another student tampers with your work. 


You are worried about your essay, you ask a friend who's a great writer to proofread your work and point out areas to improve. 

No Crime! Proofreading is a helpful technique to use with friends and colleagues when you are unsure about a written assignment.


What supports are available to you at UFV if you struggle with English assignments? 

WriteAway proofreading 

Peer Tutoring 

Drop in tutoring 

SLG sessions 

Targeted workshops 


Are there serious consequences for cheating at University? Can you name any? 

Yes! Cheating is taken very seriously. Consequences range from being written up, a zero score to having credential revoked or being expelled. 


True or False: UFV will keep a record of Re-submitted work.

True! All academic misconduct is recorded and will follow you to your next institution. 


Can you drop a course to avoid an academic misconduct charge? No class = no consequence? 

Nope. You are not allowed to drop a course once you have been identified as having potentially committed an offense. 


You and your friend are in the same online class and decide to sit together to take the final. 

No Crime....yet! As long as you do not help each other or share answers, you are in the clear. Sometimes we need the moral support of someone in the room. 
