Generative AI
Is this academic misconduct?

Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.The quality of being honest, ethical, and truthful

What is integrity?


Can I paste my claim into ChatGPT and ask it to generate 2 reasons that support it?

No. This is using AI to generate the content of your assignment. AI will make mistakes and you miss the opportunity to improve your writing and argument skills. It's also grounds for academic misconduct.


Completing an individual assignment in a group.

Yes Academic misconduct.


Is Wikepedia a scholarly source?

No. This is not a scholarly source of evidence.


Doing your own work and acknowledging the work of others without using tools that subvert this. 

What is academic integrity?


Can I used generative AI to find and generate sources for evidence? (i.e. to find a source that supports adults need vitamin C). 

No. AI references are often fake. We check that your sources real and scholarly.


Sending your classmate a copy of your assignment to "look at", but not copy because they ran out of time to do it. They copy it and submit it without telling you.

Yes. Cheating for *both* people involved. 


Is a UBC or University webpage a scholarly source?

No. This is not a scholarly source. It is written by academics (or media interviewing academics), but it is not a scholarly peer-reviewed source.


Reusing work that you previously did for another assignment or another course, even if the original work was done with integrity. 

What is self-plagiarism?


Feedback was that my claim needed to be more concise. Can I paste it into ChatGPT to make it shorter since I did write the original claim myself?

No. This is an example of ChatGPT generating content for your. All SCIE 113 work should be in your own words, written by you. 


Changing a few words and phrases on an essay I wrote in high school and submitting it as Essay 1. It is on a similar topic, and I wrote it myself.

Yes academic misconduct. Patch-writing and self-plagiarism.


Unit 1 Case Study a scholarly source?

No. It is a popular media article about a scholarly journal article. If you read the journal article it is based on, then Yes.


Attempting to paraphrase words from a source that is too close to the original in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure (only adding/deleting small sections or words). Not synthesizing the ideas yourself. 

What is patchwriting?


Can I write my entire Essay in another language except English then use AI to translate it to English?

No. You can translate a few words or phrases, but not entire texts. AI will likely make major errors, and English language proficiency is required.


Can I pay another student to do my assignment or pay for this service through a professional service online?

No. This is academic misconduct (Contract-cheating).


Proceedings from an academic conference a scholarly source?

No. This is usually preliminary (unpublished) work and has not been through the peer review process.
