OSU Courses
Preferred method to contact Megan for academic advising.
What is email?
I don't want to receive a "W," so the last day of the semester for me to drop a class is this day for every term.
What is the 4th Friday of the Semester?
I shouldn't have turned in my friend's paper with my name on it. My professor says I may have committed this.
What is plagiarism?
These are "liberal arts" courses that all OSU students must take in order finish a Bachelor's degree.
What are General Education courses?
This person is a professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Chair of the Department.
Who is Prof. Peter Anderson?
I went to Megan's office in Fontana Lab last Wednesday, but the student worker told me that Megan was working here.
What is the Welding Engineering Office (EJTC), West Campus office?
The 4th Friday of Autumn Semester is September 18, 2015, but we started classes on a Tuesday, so this is the ACTUAL 4th Friday of the Semester.
What is September 18, 2015.
This is the document that covers the jurisdiction, prohibited conduct, and conduct procedures (among others) for students at OSU.
What is the Student Code of Conduct?
The College of Engineering has a set of courses that all engineering students must take, including Math 1151, Physics 1250, Engr 1181 and 1182. These are called the _________ Core Courses.
What is Central?
Welding Engineering has undergraduate and graduate programs in this department.
What is the Department of Materials Science and Engineering?
I contacted Megan, my academic advisor, about how dropping below 12 credit hours would affect my financial aid. She told me to contact this office
What is the Financial Aid Office?
I'm afraid I'm going to fail one of my classes, but I was told I can't drop any classes after this day.
What is 10th Friday of the Semester?
My instructor said that, because I was looking at my smart phone during an exam, I will be charged with cheating on an exam, and may have to go to this review board.
What is the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM)?
This Survey course requires you to attend at least two of these?
What is FYSS - First Year Success Series?
This club is the student arm of several professional societies related to Materials Science and Engineering.
What is Material Advantage?
I have been thinking about adding a Spanish minor to my academic plan, so I should make an appointment to see this person.
Who is the Spanish Department advisor?
I developed appendicitis during the 11th week of the term, and had to miss a week of classes. It's past the withdrawal date for the semester, but I think I can get withdrawn because I had this (besides appendicitis).
What is "extenuating circumstances?"
I will be doing homework with my Engineering group, but I'm not sure if our collaboration is considered cheating. To find out, I'm going to do this.
What is ask the instructor or TA of the course?
I thought I would be able to handle 18 credit hours, but I have decided to drop my Psychology course during the 9th week of the Semester. The grade/mark on my records for it now will be this.
What is "W?"
Students in MSE and WE must pay this much in order to attend student club meetings in the department.
What is $0?
This person is ultimately responsible for knowing rules, regulations, and policies regarding the completion of a student's degree.
Who is the student?
This office is in charge of the academic calendar, deadlines, and payment due dates. I can find these dates on their website.
What is the Office of the Registrar?
This is a sanction that terminates the student's enrollment at the university for a specified period of time.
What is dismissal?
I need to add a course to my schedule during the second week of the Semester. My advisor says she needs a Course Enrollment Permission form signed by the instructor to add the course. My advisor also will accept this.
What is a forwarded email message from the instructor?
These are available around 10AM each Friday in 479 Watts hall to faculty, staff, and students in the Department.
What are donuts?