Before a Test
Study Groups
Test Taking
After the Test

It is the name of the strategy when one asks about the test, places themselves in the role of the teacher, evaluates their notes, and looks for clues during class.

What is predicting the test questions?


This is the first absolute that you must determine before developing any study group.

What is determine a focus for the group?

Examples: test prep, test review, note-taking, research, or reading.


This is the first written element of an essay test response.

What is outline?


These are the types of statements you should write immediately after completing a test.

What are Discovery Statements and/or Intention Statements?


These are the three recommended practice sessions you should utilize when preparing for a test.

What are daily practice, weekly practice, and major practice sessions?


Practice tests, old exams, mind map summary sheets, and flashcards are some of the best mentioned in the chapter.

What are resources or study tools/materials?


This is the ideal number of people needed to form an effective study group.

What is four?


When faced with two columns in a series of matching questions, this is where you should begin.

What is the column with the longer phrasing?


This is what you should first do when reviewing a graded test because even professors are human.

What is look for errors in grading?


This is what a good student would do with all their graded tests and quizzes of the term.

What is save them for future reference?


Whether verbal or written, these are often ignored, yet prove to be a major factor in test success or failure.

What are directions?


These are the characteristics one should look for in the people asked to join a study group.

What is shared academic goals, and/or attentive/note-taking class behaviors

When given the opportunity to take an open-book or open-note test, this is the best way to prepare.

What is be organized?


This is the best way to master the content after a test has been graded.

What is correct the errors or missed questions?


Though you will rarely get to use them on the test, these are excellent to prepare with as you are forced to focus on the most important material.

What is a cheat sheet?


This is what should be the focus of the short daily practice sessions.

What is new material and/or simple memorization?


Aside from staying on task, this is the best way to show that you respect the time of your study group partners.

What is set a start and stop time for all study group time?  --OR-- What is have an agenda and keep to class?


This is what to do before even looking at the choices in a multiple choice question.

What is answer the question in your head first?


Though most people fear them, they should really be celebrated because they are opportunities to learn and grow.

What are mistakes?  What are failures?


This is a mental strategy that you might utilize when the anxiety and negative self-talk begin to scramble your brain during a test.

What is mentally shout, "STOP!?"


Major study sessions can be very intense as they consist of long periods of deep study.  This is the best awareness for self-care in these situations.

What is know your limits?


This is an excellent way to prepare for a daunting math test.

What is complete the practice problems or do the homework?


These are two of the absolutes that usually indicate that a True/False question should be answered false.

What are:  all, none, always, never?

As a test-taking strategy for all future reference, this is one way to prepare for further tests in any subject, beyond reviewing the content material.

What is evaluate the types of questions missed and strategies for correction?


When reading the words in an essay question prompt, this is the specific part of speech that you should pay most attention to.

What is the verb?

Examples: analyze, compare, contrast, interpret, prove, summarize, etc.
