This new type of tutoring is being provided in Fall 2024!
What are Science Study Skills Workshops?
Find relevant sources and enhance your subject understanding with these Library-staff-curated pages.
What are subject guides?
Testing Centers are located here in Moore County and McMinnville.
Where is the Library?
Motlow provides one-on-one on-campus and online tutoring via these two in-house services.
What are the Writing Center and the Math Lab?
What are textbooks?
Testing Centers are located here in Smyrna and Fayetteville.
Where are HSC 204 and Sundquist 038?
Through this service, students can access online tutoring in subjects from Accounting to Spanish.
Minimum amount of lead time to schedule Information Literacy and Library instruction.
What is two weeks?
This Testing Center location has evening hours.
What is the Smyrna location?
Students will find these helpful contemporaries staffing the Writing Center.
Who are peer tutors?
These cell signal dependent devices circulate for two weeks at a time.
What are hot spots?
Faculty submit an exam to the Testing Center in this software.
What is Register Blast?
These are the new Moore County and Smyrna Tutoring Center locations.
Where are Crouch Hall 1035-1046 and Hyatt-Spivey 359?
Visit ancient ruins and outer space here
What is the XR Lab?
This space management method requiring mandatory registration for faculty and students alike allows maximize efficiency of the Testing Center.
What is Maximum Capacity Seating?