Name this horror movie/novel that takes place in a hotel and written by Stephen King
The Shinning
This country balladeer is known for his marriage to Faith Hill and is also the title of a Taylor Swift song.
Tim Mcgraw
This chess piece has a cross on the tip of its crown.
This 2016 worldwide summer phenomenon saw a well-beloved franchise that has a real-life incarnation where people can catch monsters with their pocket devices.
Pokemon Go
This term for kicking a ball between someone legs in soccer is also name of a seasoning.
This author was criticized by Chinua Achebe. Name this Polish author who wrote the Heart of Darkness.
Joseph Conrad
This movie about a former princess of Russia was recently made into a broadway play. The titular character was rumored to survive the purging of the Romanov dynasty.
State this phrase that means that you can't think of the word associated with the most versatile muscle in the body.
Tip of the Tongue
This would be very helpful right now. Name this board game where you work as a health professional to stop a worldwide disease outbreak.
This animated movie shows a plot twist where the titular villan becomes a hero after defeating his rival.
This character is haunted by King Duncan's ghost, floating daggers, bloody hands, and moving trees. Name this titular character of a Shakespeare play.
If I could fall, into the sky, do you think time would ___ ___ ___, Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles just to see you tonight
Pass us by
This structure's tip caused the wreckage of a ship in a novel called The Wreck of the Titan which eerily matches the real-life crash of a vessel with a similar name.
This boy convinced another boy to paint a picket fence for him. Name this character who is friends with Huckleberry Finn.
Tom Sawyer
This actress is most known for her leading role in Sleepless in Seattle. Name this actress who played opposite Tom Hanks.
Meg Ryan
This tv show with a recent 2019 cartoon movie adaptation features a mysterious and spooky family with members including Gomer and Wednesday.
Addam's Family
Known for magical realism, this Columbian author wrote One Hundred Years in Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Yes, another question about this show. Name this object on the tip of the shoelace that was seen in Phineas and Ferb.
This sport is more commonly known as rowing and is also as a type of haircut and shirt neckline.
This person's band released an album called You Tried in 2018. Name this band member from KovaTova
Not a traditional horror story, this Egyptian god was cut into several pieces by his brother Set. Name this god who becomes the lord of the Underworld while Pharaohs trace their lineage to his son Horus.
This character is forced to be claimed by either Light and the Darkness. Name this female protagonist of the Caster Series.
In Smash Bros. Franchise, this Fire Emblem character is regarded as the second-best character in melee for his tipper. This character serves as the template for both Lucina and Chrom.
Established after Magic, this card game was established in 1996 and has had several variations to this day. Currently, it is the first best card game in Japan and second in the United States. Name this card game with characters like Joey Wheeler.
In Apocalyptic literature, this location is projected to be where the final battle is to be. Name this place in Israel where the world is supposed to end.
Har Meggido or Armageddon