It is defined as critical, objective, specialized text written by experts or professionals in a given field using formal language.
Academic Text
What word is formed with the jumbled letters shown "SSERTSADINIOT"?
Form the letters into 2 Words:
Arrange the letters shown to form a word. What is it? "SIERDAI"
What is the contraction word of should not?
What word is this "PAWENSREP "?
Arrange the letters to form two words "ARCHRESE RAPPE"
Give 2 examples of contraction words.
Contraction Word and Base Words
could’ve- could have
he’d- he had or he would
he’s- he is
he’ll/she’ll- he will/she will
I’d- I had
I’ll- I will
I’m- I am
I’ve- I have
let’s- let us
might’ve- might have
must’ve- must have
she’d- she had or she would
should’ve- should have
there’s- there is
they’re- they are
they’d- they would
they’ll- they will
they’ve- they have
we’d- we had or we would
we’ll- we will
we’re- we are
we’ve- we have
where’s- where is
who’s- who is
you’ll- you will
Note: If the answers of the participants are not found on the list, teacher will decide if the answers are correct or not.
Yes or No. Language used in academic texts employ technical terms specific for each field and/or discipline.
What words are formed with the jumbled letters shown "CITIFINESC SLOURJAN"
Complete the statement by forming the jumbled letters shown into a correct word. Academic texts often take _ _ _ _ _ to publish because of intense writing and review. (SERAY)
It refers to the oral, written, auditory, and visual language proficiency required to learn effectively in schools and academic programs. It is also the language used in classroom lessons, books, tests, and assignments. It is the language that students are expected to learn and achieve fluency in.
Academic Language
Read the passage below. Then, identify whether this passage can be an academic text or non-academic text. "Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was warm enough to feel comfortable in shorts. A nice breeze made the air feel fresh. The flowers vibrated with color. It felt good to be alive."
Which one is a branch example of business? SOCIOLOGY or ECONOMICS
Name 4 examples of academic text for 4 seconds.
Research Paper, Conference Paper, Feasibility Study, Thesis/Dissertation, Reviews, Formal Essay, Academic Journals, Book Reports, Conference Papers, Books, Scholarly Essays
Find or Give a word to complete the statements below. "Citing sources in the body of the paper and providing a list of references as either footnotes or endnotes is a very important aspect of an academic text. It is essential to always acknowledge the source of any ideas, research findings, data, or quoted text that have been used in a paper as a defense against allegations of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (GLIAPIMSRA)
Name 4 examples of Non-Academic Text for 4 seconds.
Diaries, love letters, friendly letters, emails, text messages, retelling stories, informal essays
What is the purpose of academic text and non-academic text?
The purpose of academic text is to inform the readers with solid evidence while the purpose of non-academic text is to inform, entertain or persuade the readers.
Name at least 3 branch examples of Natural and Applied Sciences. Choose from the list: PHYSICS, ACCOUNTING, ART, LAW, GEOGRAPHY, COMPUTER SCIENCE, MEDICINE
What is the difference between academic language and social language ?
Academic language is used to describe and comprehend complex ideas, process higher-order thinking, and understand abstract concepts. Academic language is what students read in textbooks and on tests and what they hear during instruction in the classroom.
Social language is the simple, informal language we use when talking face to face with family members and friends. It allows us to use contemporary or slang terms like “cool,” “awesome,” or “dude.” We can also communicate feelings, needs, and wants using symbolic hand gestures for drink, eat, hot, cold, hurt, or tired. Social language also includes writing emails, friendly letters, and texts or retelling stories.
Name the 4 Characteristics of Academic Language.
What is non-academic text?
Non-academic text is non-objective text that can be written by anyone by using informal or casual language. Non-academic texts usually include one's opinions and point-of-view.
What is an academic text?
It is defined as critical, objective, specialized text written by experts or professionals in a given field using formal language.