The boy stopped talking to his friend over a big ________ they had.
campaign or issue
issue- a matter of concern
If something is ambiguous, it has more than one _____________.
meaning, interpretation
Which elective at Seth Low interests students most?
Gym, Cooking, Technology, Cosmetology, Art, etc.
Moving the angle of a picture frame would be a big or small adjustment to a room?
small adjustment (little or minor change)
One fundamental or basic material people use to build a house is...
wood, cement, stone, brick, lumber, concrete, steel
Give me a synonym for the word noun "issue".
matter, subject, topic, problem, affair, question, point
A king or queen in the castle has a high __________, while a peasant or poor person has a low ________________.
status - rank, position, or standing
One attribute of a CEO of a company is to be __________.
hardworking, responsible, empathetic, etc.
A small proportion of students at Seth Low live in ...
Brooklyn or the Bronx?
The Bronx- too distant, far away
She wants to _____ (verb) the room by painting the walls a new color.
alter or substitute
alter- change
In Presidential elections, people vote for the ______________ they support most.
candidate or ethics
candidate- person being considered for a position
A rule, principle, or suggestion is a ________________.
George attributes his good swimming skills to all the hours of ________ he does each day.
work, practice
Because they were doing construction on the highway, they modified or _______ the route people could take home.
changed, adjusted
We need to substitute the old light bulb with a ______ one.
new, novel
During campaigns we learn about a political candidate's _____________.
beliefs, views, families, job history, view on certain issues
Elementary school kids are not considered ________ enough to drive a car.
mature- old enough
The family's house was damaged due to a fire. Therefore, they had to __________ to a new neighborhood.
relocate- move to another location, place
Seth Low uses iReady scores to _________ student progress in ELA and Math.
monitor or modify
monitor-keep track of, to check
Jerry was conflicted about going to the party because even though his friends were going, he was feeling very _________.
sick, anxious, stressed
Due to the cold weather, Mindy decided to wear a ___________.
hat, scarf, jacket, coat, etc.
The weatherman projects that it will rain all day tomorrow. Give me a synonym for the verb projects.
predicts, estimates, forecasts, gauges
One huge transition people make in life is when they have to change their ___________.
homes, jobs, locations, schools
A synonym for a compound is a _________.
mixture, combination ,fusion, synthesis, hybrid