School Safety
School Drills

What time should you be in your seat for advisory?

What is 8:55


Who are your social studies and science teachers?

Who are Mrs. Rosney and Mrs. Ryan.


What do you do if you need to use the bathroom?

What is raise your hand and sign-out on the sheet in your classroom.


Are hats allowed at Acadia?

What is hats or other headgear such as hoods, do-rags, etc. are not to be worn in the building during the school day.  


What is it called when you must leave the building quickly as a class?

What is a Fire Drill.


Are you allowed to talk to your neighbors during advisory?

What is Yes, quietly.  However, when the video announcements begin, you must be silent with Chromebooks closed.


Are you allowed to have your phone with you during a class?

What is NO.  They must remain turned off and in your locker!


When is an appropriate time to use the bathroom?

What is during lunch, flex and study hall.  You may use the bathroom during classes if it is an emergency.


What should you do before leaving your group or classroom?

Ask a teacher, sign-out and circle the location where you are headed.  We must know where you are at all times in case of an emergency.


Why is it important not to run during a fire drill?

What is you could get hurt or hurt others.


What happens if you are late to advisory?

What is you must sign-in at the attendance office before reporting to advisory.  Be sure to tell your advisory teacher you arrived to school late.


What is the procedure for leaving the classroom?

What is, raise your hand and sign-out on the sheet.  You must write your name, date, time out and in, and circle where you are going.


Do you need to sign-in when you return from the bathroom?

What is YES!  Go back to the sheet and write the time you returned to class.


What is the expected bus behavior?

What is the school bus is essentially an extension of the school.  All of the rules of the Middle School Code of Conduct apply on the bus.  Additionally, there are specific bus rules which apply such as remaining seated while the bus is moving.  


Where should you go during a lockdown drill?

What is you should sit on the floor along the wall and be away from doors and windows.


Are you allowed to visit the library during advisory?

What is no.  A student-helper will be around to collect library books.  You may visit the library during flex.


What happens if you are late to class?

What is tell the teacher. You will be marked tardy or absent.  If it happens often, there will be a consequence and possible referral.


How many students are allowed to use the bathroom at a time?

What is ONE!


What are the five things to remember to have a great experience at Acadia?

Be Here

Be Safe

Be Kind

Be Responsible

Set Goals


What is important to remember during a lockdown drill?

What is MUST be silent.


What supplies do I need to have for advisory?

What are the supplies you need for blocks 1 and 2.


Can you visit your locker during class?

What is NO.  You may go to your locker during advisory and after lunch/flex.  Be prepared and organized for your classes.


What is the expected bathroom behavior?

What is use the bathroom for its intended purpose then report directly to class.  


What is the expectation for cafeteria behavior?

What is all students have the right to a peaceful, enjoyable lunch.  Follow cafeteria rules as outlined by adults in the cafeteria.  Students are required to throw their own garbage away and clear their own table area.


What is the name of your school resource officer?

Who is Mr. Grigas.
