Steve's last name
What is Fortnite?
The thing he doesn't say
What is bleh bleh-bleh?
The color of blueberries
What is Blue?
Joandre's North American birthplace
What is Ohio?
Sound that makes all who hear it joyful
What is the Joandre phone buzz?
Members of BLACKPINK
Who are Lisa Simpson, Marshmello, Demi Lovato, and PINK?
Meaning of T.H.U.G?
What is Truly Humble Under God?
Bad currency of South America
What are Venezuelan Bolivars?
Joandre's comic characters' age
What is 9?
The text adorned atop the gif of Joandre just dancing
What is "Joandre ate yogurt"?
The worst name
A red and yellow duo
What is Larva?
Weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical direction as a reference line
What is a plumb bob?
Steve lard games (ALL of them)
What are Valorant, CS2, Fortnite, and The Finals?
The reason Joandre hates Marshmello
What is "His smelly helmet has a terrible mold inside of it"?
The message Steve sends to a recently joined individual
What is @Snowwhoa re you?
Bruce Almighty criminals' van's goods
What is marijuana?
P.L.O.B. meaning
What is Petty Little Odious Bid?
The emoji that Kentucky Chibbleson reacts with on gifs
What is 🤗?
The name of the weapon Joandre unearths from the burger
What is Gulchscalibur?
The name of the server that alliterates with M
What is Martin's Moldy Mort Museum 😇😇😇?
The lyric that replaces "I saw a photo, you look joyous" in NEW GULCHY BOG
What is "I saw a Gorgon, it looked gulchy"?
The question of existence verification
The object that Pisrat possesses innately
What is Sgingas?
Korean Joandre meme text
What is "If you hate him, you will die and go to hell."?