What is the setting of the story (time and place)?
Toronto during the summer months (in a heat wave)
This is the police station that Duncan goes to across town to turn the diary in.
What is the 52nd division?
What literary device is being used: "I'm dying man. stick a fork in me, I'm done."
This scent that Kim wears is what reminds Duncan that she came to visit.
What is vanilla?
What is the inciting force of the novel?
Duncan finding the creepy diary at the TTC Lost and Found
This is what Wayne drops to the bottom of the pool for Duncan to dive down and get.
What is the change room locker key?
What literary device is being used: "My arms swinging around like a blind man’s, searching for anything."
This is the place that Duncan brings Vinny to at the end of the novel. He realizes here that he is finally at peace.
The community pool
What is the climax of the novel?
Roach chasing Duncan and eventually getting hit by a train
Duncan asks his mom about the term for the fear of water. This is what it is called.
What is hydrophobia?
What literary device is being used: "There's only a flicker of a street light that makes it through the trees, reflecting off the pool. In the dark, the only thing that stands out is my cast. It's so white it seems to glow".
Duncan and Wayne hear this and it alerts them that Roach's grandmother is alive.
What is she coughs?
What is the main conflict in the story?
Character vs. Character
This is the actor that Vinny is obsessed with. He always talks about his movies.
Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Which literary device is being used when Duncan is explaining the toilet stealing story: "There were a lot of questions I should have asked at this point, and any one of them could have flushed this whole idea".
This is the part on Duncan's body that gets slashed by Roach.
What is his arm?
What is the resolution of the novel?
Duncan can finally let Maya's death go
This is the full name of the place that the boys go to get some information on serial killers and to avoid the heat.
What is "The Ignatius Howard Public Library?"
What literary device is being used: "Who's going to be the winner, the JFK. And who will be the Russian guy".
What is Roach's real name?
Who is Scott Weber?