What is one thing you can do when your parent says no and you do not agree?
Listen to why your parents said no.
What are some ways you know you are getting angry?
Start huffing puffing, talking back, shouting, throwing, hitting.
Is it okay for me to ask the person why they told me no?
What should you do if you disagree?
Stay calm, talk about your opinion, listen to their opinion.
Why do people have anger?
Everyone feels emotions, emotions are not bad, there are a lot of feelings behind anger.
What can I do if I am feeling mad or upset about being told no?
Take a deep breath, go to the calming corner, ask to color, use a fidget, etc.
Why do people accept no as an answer?
To prevent conflict, because there was a good reason for it, to stay safe, healthy, and to be respectful.
Who gets angry?
What shouldn't I do when I am upset with someone telling me no?
any acceptable example.
Yell, beg, hit, kick.
What are two things you should do if your parents say no?
accept it, walk away (do something fun or distracting)
What are 3 things you can do to calm down when you notice you are getting angry?
5-4-3-2-1, counting sheep or backward from 100, go outside.
when you are accepting no do you look at or away from the person who told you no?
you look at the person
When is it okay not to accept no as an answer?
If it puts in danger, if it is detrimental to your health.
What are some things that you know cause you anger?
Being told no, not being able to play video games/watch movies, not being able to finish a game, coming home from visiting family or vacation.
What can I do if I am feeling mad or upset about being told no?
Take a deep breath, go to the calming corner, ask to color, use a fidget, etc.