The reason an instructor using MyITLab gets an error when they use their login to download Testgen
What is they need to register using the right access code for the IRC
The way to make a customer who purchased a MasteringBiology code happy when they see an error that it is expired during registration
What is make them a replacement code with the SMS Admin Tool/advance the issue to someone who can provide a replacement code?
It’s the reason you shouldn’t just reset an expired access code
What is a future customer might get an error that the access code has been redeemed?
I can still enroll in course young13393 if the instructor had just changed this date
What is the enrollment date?
These two letters/numbers often are mistaken for each other in XL Course IDs.
What are zeros and O's?
The reason a new instructor at Ivy Tech should be calling their sales rep before they can use one of our MyLabs sites.
What is to get validated as an instructor at their school?
This search allow you to see the date an access code expired
What is use CS Tool to do a Query by Access Code search?
You never ask a customer to give you this during a chat or phone call
What is their login/password information?
I had to tell Johnny Depp this when he couldn’t use this code to register for rothstein47105:
What is “you bought the wrong code for your course”?
The default Course IDs of these platforms involve the instructor's last name.
What is MyLab/Mastering New Design (CC), Mastering, and Epic.
The sad truth that you have to explain to a student that says their “instructor told me you would just give me an access code”
What is you can purchase access directly at the MyLabs site?
The most important piece of information you need to help a customer with an expired CourseCompass access code
What is a valid CourseID?
The reason that student was able to get an email with the instructor’s login information
What is we changed the instructor’s email in SMS without verifying that the instructor was the person requesting it?
It’s the reason we will be giving Professor McNutter a new code to replace this:
What is the access code is expired?
Pegasus Course IDs begin with this letter.
What is 'C'?
“I renewed my expired subscription-why can’t I see my courses when I logged in”
What is the instructor used a new login name to register the access code?
You would say this to a frustrated student who says their brand new access code is expired.
What is “We apologize. We can provide you with a new access code.”/advance to someone who can make a new code.
The reason a student might tell you “I don’t understand why my login is expired. I just registered yesterday”
What is they are logging in with the wrong login information/they have two accounts?
The site isn’t broken-it’s the reason you can still do your homework but you can’t open any videos in your course
What is your subscription to Pearson Premium Media has expired?
An instructor is always required for this platform.
What is MyLab/Mastering New Design (CC)?
The reason any instructor can get an access code immediately if they enter the right email address into the “Request Access” form on any MyLabs site
What is SMS knows they are already validated as an instructor?
You should never do this to fix the problem of an expired access code
What is reset the access code in the CS Tool?
The main reason we don’t just give an instructor enough access codes to register their entire class
What is we want the sales rep to be aware of a potential error in their bookstore order?
The reason Angelina Jolie couldn’t register with this access code:
What is the code is actually this:
Helping a student enroll in a course on this platform might be difficult because the instructor can make the Course ID whatever they want (as long as it isn't already taken in the system).