Pre-Roadshow Prep
Style Of Roadshows
Individual Roadshow
Group Roadshow

Who attends Roadshows?




Ops Partners


When you can't meet with your customer in person, this is the next best thing



Name some reports you use to create a workbook?

Competitive Position by Market

Partnership Performance Summary

Lost Move-In Report

Market Profile: Lead Cohorts & Conversion


How do you determine what to cover during a group roadshow?

Work with your RDSM and VP Sales to pinpoint opportunities for growth, C/R or competitive advantage.  


What can you ask your customer to do that will help you stay on time and not have to hunt for your community location?

Send a calendar invite for the date, time, community address and contacts


What do you prepare to share with your customer on a Roadshow?

An all-inclusive workbook with data, screenshots of Partner Central Reports and Best Practices


This style of Roadshows means that the AM travels between communities and can typically meet with three communities per day

The Individual Approach


What data range do you use when running reports?

It varies. It could be QoQ, YoY, or maybe a more specific date depending on when a new DSM started at the community. 


What is one way to grab the initial attention of the group and gain excitement from them for your presentation?

Trivia with APFM and customer achieved numbers - with gift card giveaways


Do you take your customer to dinner?

Yes! If the schedule allows for it and the RDS and others can attend.


When do you review the workbook with the RDS?

A few days to a week prior to the Roadshow


This Roadshow style is where all communities in a geographic area come together for one road show and includes pre and post-works



How do you frame the data when presenting to a community with below average data?

It's not personal. We're here to collaborate and talk about best practices and to cultivate a relationship with APFM.


Name at least three reports that can help you demonstrate the need to for a regional or divisional roadshow

Partnership Performance

Lost Move-ins

Market Cohort report 

DMA Report

Dashboard Report (Regional and Divisional break)


Do you rent a car or ride with the RDS?

Whichever you and the RDS decide. Sometimes it makes sense to ride with the RDS to give you more 1:1 time with them. 


Do the communities need to do any pre-Roadshow work?

Yes! Ask the RDS to send the Community Self-Audit Form out to the communities and have them fill out and either email you or to review at Roadshow.


How do you present your workbook?

Several ways:

*via projector on a screen to a group

*from laptop with DSM sitting next to you


Other than the workbook, do you present anything else during a Roadshow?

Yes - a live demonstration in PC of the workbook tabs. For example, community profile, details, webpage, Lost Move-In and Market Profile reports and Active Leads.


Do Senior Living Advisors attend the roadshow? If yes how and why?

Yes, invite via zoom during lunch time.  Prearrange with RM.  Send a $25.00 door dash card to all SLA attendees. Lively Q and A for customer and SLAs to learn new things about each other


Do you verify attendance?

Yes! Things change, people get sick and go out on unplanned leave. Verify a few days before that the DSM will be in attendance.


How do you know which communities to visit?

Typically the RDS will alert you of a focus community or region. Or, you can approach them with the Competitive Position by Market and other reports that show a decline for a community or region. 


Do you post to social media at your visit?

Yes! This is a great time to showcase your visit on LinkedIn.


What is a reasonable return on doing a Roadshow?

Increase in Move-Ins

Increase in C/R

Increase in BoSL

Increase in FLT

Each community commits to goals in the workbook


Before you go!:  Name things you need to pack in your bag for all road shows.  Name at least five things you need to confirm before the road show!

In your bag:  computer, cord, Two flash drives with all workbooks and presentations (one for the SVP or RSD).  One for yourself.  Port expander with a HDMI adapter. Portable speaker if no microphone. Gift cards for games and two gift cards for sales and ED host.  Things to confirm a few days before: attendees, room for presentation, AV options in the room, AV contact for set-up, a point person with cell number for lunch delivery, confirm lunch order, swag delivered (Darla), dinner confirmation and attendees for dinner.  Send final presentation to VP/RSD a few days prior.  Sign-in sheet for group roadshows (name and email).


How do you get the most mileage after the Roadshow?

Discuss on next MBR. Pull Tableau reports to highlight success at 30-60-90 days.
