Grab Bag
List 5 programs or services offered at Fleet and Family Support Center.
New Parent Support, Deployment Support, Transition Assistance, Family Employment, Exceptional Family Member Program, Individual Augmentee Program, Ombudsman Program Training, Family Readiness Group Training, Command Representative Program, Clinical Counseling, Personal Financial Management, Family Advocacy, Domestic Abuse Victim Advocates, Life Skills Education, Information and Referral, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, Crisis Management Support
What type of counseling is provided at FFSC and how does someone get an appointment?
Individual, Marital, Family, Child (Short term-solution based) / Appointments can be made by calling Central Scheduling at 866-293-2776. If in crisis, walk-ins are taken and assessed by our intake counselor.
Who is the POC for TAP registration?
Mr. Rich Brown
Who is the POC for Deployment related workshop requests?
Ms. Wilhelmina Nash (per our workshop schedule calendar) / Could also be Mr. Bobby Johns if IA related.
What are our FFSC operating hours and how do we deal with crises after hours?
Our center is open from 0730-1600 Monday-Thursday and 0730-1500 on Friday, but evening and weekend workshops or programs may be available by request. / The doors of FFSC have a phone number for after-hours crises. The FFSC voicemail for the front desk has after-hours resources. Base CDO and Duty Chaplains can be accessed for assistance.
What is New Parent Support and what does it entail?
NPS provides education, resources, and in-home visits to new parents. Navy families and other military families expecting a child or with children up to 3 years of age are assessed to determine if they need help managing the demands of a new baby.
You are not a clinical counselor. How do you handle a client in emotional distress?
Try to find a quiet, confidential place to identify their needs and connect them with an intake counselor in the most sensitive way. Feeling unsafe? Follow site crisis policies.
What workshops and resources are available for a spouse looking for employment? List 3.
Finding Federal Employment / Resume Writing / Military OneSource - MyCAA / Job Fairs / Individual Consultation / Mock Interview
What is Return and Reunion?
Return and Reunion is offered by FFSC to commands returning from deployment. FFSC staff members meet command prior to them returning to provide re-integration classes at no cost to the command.
How do you handle a situation when a client gets hurt?
If emergency assistance is required, call 911. Follow site crisis policy and alert Director/Site Manager ASAP.
What are the requirements of the Command Rep Program?
Understand the purpose is to facilitate services for commands with a one-stop POC / Assist with commands accessing training and build relationships with command by making continuing contact with command leadership / Meet annually when possible to discuss specific needs of command / Update CR Binder with contacts made to/from command / Contact CR Coordinator (Ms. Nash) if you have any questions about the program
What does restricted reporting mean for domestic abuse?
If a report of domestic abuse is brought to the attention of someone able to receive a restricted report (Chaplain, FFSC Counselor, Victim Advocate, Healthcare provider) and no child abuse/neglect is involved, victim can make a restricted report that does not trigger an investigation but does allow them to access information and resources. A restricted report can become unrestricted if the victim chooses to do so, but an unrestricted report can not become restricted.
What support does TAMP/FERP staff provide? List 6 supports.
1. Workshops / 2. Briefs / 3. TAP Coordination & Registration / 4. Resume Assistance / 5. Individual Consultations / 6. Job Bulletin Boards and Job Fairs / 7. Computer Lab & Resource Library / 8. Special Programs / 9. Job Finding and Job Application Assistance
What are (3) things an Ombudsman can do and (3) things an Ombudsman never does?
An Ombudsman is a volunteer working for the Commanding Officer to (1) represent the command to families, (2) serve as a communication liaison, and (3) provide resource and referrals to families. / An Ombudsman never provides (1) childcare, (2) transportation, (3) direct $$$ assistance, (4) Privacy Act-protected family information to vendors
What is the NAS Jacksonville FFSC's site lock-up policy?
It's posted by the front door of our building. Close/lock all doors and windows. Turn off all lights and copiers. Verify nobody is in the building. Last person out initials the lock-up checklist posted by the front door. Upon leaving the building, ensure the door you go out is secured and locked behind you.
What does FFSC do to respond to area crises or command emergencies? List 6 ways we respond.
1. Activate FFSC Crisis Response Plan / 2. Use Emergency FFSC Staff Recall Telephone Tree if Director is advised to activate it. / 3. Establish a 24-hour Phone Bank (Family Information Call Center) / 4. Establish Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) for families to gather / 5. Respond to surveys submitted via NFAAS / 6. Provide critical incident stress support / 7. Suspend normal operations, as required. / 8. Other duties as coordinated by Regional Emergency Operations Center and Regional Support Office.
What does DAVA stand for? What does a DAVA do?
DAVA stands for Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate DAVAs: 1. Can take a restricted report / 2. Focus on safety of victims of domestic violence and their children and assist with safety planning / 3. Serve eligible clients of domestic abuse / 4. Provide initial resources for civilians and then refer them to community agencies after safety planning / 5. Assist in filing for protection order and shelter services / 6. At request of victim, DAVA may accompany the victims to any and all appointments, including court proceedings, doctors appointments, emergency room visits, investigative appointments / 7. Provide transportation to appointments as related to the case / 8. Conduct home visits as last resort as necessary to the case
List two ways FFSC uses to market to each of the below: -Commands -Single Sailors -Families
Commands: Command Rep Program, NAS Jacksonville's CMC Email Tree, Electronic Marquee in front of Center / Single Sailors: Jax Air News, Command Indocs, Electronic Flyers geared specifically to Single Sailors / Families: Balfour Beatty Welcome Packets/Housing Packets, Ombudsman Email Tree, Bi-Annual Carnivals sponsored by MWR and other events on base (Resource Tables)
What is an FFSC NAS Jacksonville IDSS and what do they do?
Individual Deployment Support Specialists (IDSSs) use NFAAS to contact IA Sailors and Reservists with orders to mobilize who have family members in Jacksonville. They provide support to assist the Sailor and their family in preparation for the IA deployment, during deployment, and post deployment. / They provide resources and information on IA support programs, including monthly IA events, IA Deployment Readiness Brieifings and homecoming support.
What training is available to you as an FFSC employee? List 6.
1. FFSC Classes / 2. Webinars & Community Practices / 3. Bi-monthly Site Trainings / 4. NKO & TWMS Trainings / 5. CNIC Directed Program Trainings/Conferences / 6. FFSC Program Desk Guides (Omb Coord, New Parent Support, IDSS, EFMP, ect.) / 7. SOPs on Shared Drive / 8. Monthly Safety Newsletter
What services are provided by the Personal Financial Management (PFM) program? What criteria qualify person to be enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)?
PFM: Individual financial counseling/budgeting; classes on car buying, home buying, debt and credit management; Million Dollar Sailor Workshop; Command Financial Specialist Training and coordinates annual Military Saves campaign. / EFMP: Must be a military dependent (with ID card) residing with Sponsor. Must have a medical, educational, or psychological need requiring special services of 6+ months.
What does SAPR stand for and how does FFSC suport the SAPR Program?
SAPR stand for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response. / FFSC supports the program with Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) to provide training to commands on collateral billets required by the SAPR Instructions and raise awareness of the resources and information available to prevent and respond to sexual assaults. / FFSC educates Sailors on restricted reporting. / There is a local 24/7 hotline that can be called by dialing 772-RAPE. It will be answered by the rape recovery team who work hand-in-hand with and cross train with military POCs.
How does FFSC do outreach? List 10 ways.
1. FFSC Monthly Focus / 2. Resource Tables at Special Events for Sailors, Retirees & Families / 3. Community Resource Partner Meetings / 4. Website & Email Trees/Message Traffic / 5. Facebook / 6. Partnership with School Liaison Officers / 7. Briefs to Commands and Families / 8. Ombudsmen / 9. Family Readiness Groups / 10. Pre-Deployment Briefs, INDOCS, FFSC Classes / 11. Customer Interactions / 12. Monthly Individual Augmentee Events / 13. New Parent Support Hospital/Home Visits
List 10 deployment related supports offered by FFSC.
1. Pre-Deployment Briefs / 2. IA Family Events / 3. Return and Reunions / 4. Homecoming Briefs / 5. Ombudsman Training / 6. Family Readiness Group Training / 7. Information and Referral Resources / 8. Deployment Specific Event info (like special workshops) via Email, Marquee, and Facebook / 9. Handbooks on Deployment and Reintegration / 10. Counseling Services
List 10 agencies FFSC partners with to provide services or programs to our customers.
1. MWR / 2. Child & Youth Programs / 3. School Liaison Officers / 4. Operation Homefront / 5. Navy Marine Corps Relief Society / 6. American Red Cross & WIC / 7. Military OneSource / 8. Balfour Beatty Housing / 9. Quigley House & Hubbard House / 10. Naval Hospital Jacksonville / 11. USO / 12. Department of Labor / 13. NACCRRA (Child Care/Respite Care) / 14. Navy League - IA Luncheon