Required Practices
High Priority
Quality and Safety
Service Excellence

The number of client identifiers required to ensure the client receives the service intended for them

What is Two?

Fact: client identifiers can be full name, home address, DOB, accurate photograph


Name one of the methods of engagement for clients and families in transition planning.

What is the discussion of goals/process and options with client and family, home programs, documented transitions and discharge information, or rounds and transition meetings? 


What year did we launch our "Caring Safely - All Safe. Always." campaign?

What is 2020? 


Give 2 examples of how clinical staff review service delivery models/evidence-based guidelines.

What are: PT/OT in-services, APNE education sessions, Unit specific education sessions (ie. SCI CAN, brain bytes), Standard of Care review by practice councils, Professional Advisory Council (PAC)? 


The most effective (and least expensive) way to prevent transmission of infection.

What is Good hand hygiene? 


Examples of care transitions in which information is required to be defined and standardized

What is Admission, handover, transfer, discharge?

Fact: During transitions client and families are given the information they need to make decisions to support their care. 


List all the steps involved in obtaining informed consent for treatment services.

What is reviewing options, risks and benefits, right to refuse service, understanding capacity, record consent in chart?

Fact: the consent process is ongoing


Where do staff report safety events? 

What is Meditech? (Click on the “caution” symbol/icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen).


Give an example of clinical documentation monitoring at Holland Bloorview.

What are clinical documentation audits or peer audits?


Who is responsible for preventing and controlling infections at Holland Bloorview?

Who is Everyone? We all play a part!


Examples of Holland Bloorview's falls prevention strategy

What are client and family education, posters, e-wise modules, care plan falls risk assessment, falls screening, or falls audits on inpatient?


Which two types of staff support the review of ethical dilemmas?

Bonus: Two Ethics frameworks used to work through ethical issues at Holland Bloorview 

Who is management and the bioethicists?

You can find information on ethical frameworks on HB connect or consulting you manager/the ethicist

BONUS! What are: 

1.IDEA (identify facts, determine relevant ethical principles, Explore the options, Act)

2. Accountability for reasonableness (or A4R) framework for priority setting.


Finish the statement: “Speak up for safety…If you see something, ___________!”

What is "Say something"


Name a method that teams use to identify and discuss safety risks.

What are: incident reports for near misses, audits (pressure injuries, hand hygiene), monitoring areas, quality safety huddles (weekly on the unit and monthly on the second floor), leadership daily safety brief ?


 Two methods of hand hygiene.

What are: Soap and water, and alcohol-based hand rub?


List a step in the process if a pressure injury is identified.

What is contact the client's nurse/physician as well as caregiver, provide education on pressure injury prevention, or assess risk with Braden QD?

Fact: the Braden QD is completed on admission, re-admission, every 30 days and if there are any changes.


List 2 strategies used to provide information to clients about their rights and responsibilities.

What are: 

Admission discussions with clinical teams

Connect2Care discussion

Posters (rights and responsibilities poster)

Information on admission/preadmission about culture/language


Name 3 error prevention safety and behaviour tools. 

What are: 

  • Stop, think, act, review (STAR)
  • Name, Occupation, and Duty (NOD)
  • Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR)
  • 3-way communication
  • Ask a question, request a change, voice your concern, escalate the chain of command (ARCC)
  • Standardized handoff
  • Qualify the source, validate the content, verify with an expert (QVV)
  • Review, Revolve, and Reassess (RRR)

What are 2 examples of error prevention tools used to mitigate high risk activities?

What are: 

SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation)

Stop, think, act, review (STAR)

repeat-back, read-back 

team member checking eg. double checks ?


Name 3 types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), that you might use.

What are Gloves, gown, mask, eye protection?


List a step taken if a client/family note a change in their medication. 

What is medication history documented/review with client and family, medication reconciliation if required, or medications are documented up to date for the next care provider?


Give 3 examples of clinical care pathways. 

What are the SDR pathway, Ortho pathway, SCI pathway, IDDSI? 


Give 2 examples of how we monitor client experience. 

What are: 

  • Post discharge and post transition follow-up methods (e.g. phone calls)
  • Client Experience Surveys
  • Compliments and Complaints process
  • Family Advisory Committee

Give 3 examples of how you can find out about Quality Improvement projects at Holland Bloorview.

Bonus: Provide examples of recent quality improvement projects at Holland Bloorview

What are:  Quality Huddles, Rehab and CCC quarterly conversations, Ambulatory forum, Team meetings, practice council meeting, quality and safety committee meetings, program council meetings? 

What are: workload analysis project, glove use project, autism pathways project, physician scheduling project, IDSSI project, sociodemograhic survey, social needs screening and family navigation hub, first day of admission project by Program Council?


Aside from hand hygiene, name two practices that are included in Routine Practices.

What are:  Point of care risk assessment, Appropriate use of PPE, Proper disposal of sharps, cleaning of equipment and environment?
