an unobstructed way of exit travel
what is egress?
gas cylinder of 500 PSI or higher
what is ready for use?
the amount of time a disinfectant needs to sit on a surface
what is contact time?
provides the organization with a common understanding about the risk that it faces and prioritizes issues
what is a hazard vulnerability analysis
should be performed when entering and exiting a patients room
what is hand hygiene
used by surveyors to understand the layout of the organization
what are floor plans?
used to document the readings of refrigerator temperatures
what are logs?
are to be labeled with a new expiration date when opened
what are glucose strips?
an extension of the emergency operations
what is the continuity of operations plan (COOP)
two of these should be used when administering medication or giving blood products
what are patient identifiers
what is an ILSM
should not exceed 130 degrees
what are blanket warmers?
if corrugated, they should not be stored in clean supply rooms
what are cardboard boxes?
contains detailed instructions on how to responds to unplanned incidents such as power outages or cyber attacks
what is a disaster recovery plan
we use this assessment to help identify suicide risk in our patients
what is Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
used during an emergency with PASS
what is a fire extinguisher ?
under 500 PSI is considered?
what is empty
these which are used for POC testing should be cleaned after each patient usage
what are glucometers
the organization has an operating plan for this amount of hours during an identified emergency
what is 96 hours
this is done before a procedure to verify the correct site and patient
horizontal and vertical
these are to be performed quarterly and unannounced
what are fire drills?
at the end of each day, the OR should receive this before turning the room over.
what is a terminal clean
They provide oversight and support for the EM program
what is senior leadership
what is health equity