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The FROG must be completed before which home visit?  

4th (and must be completed in no more than 2 visits)  


What are the only 2 instances the CHEERS are not completed?  

When the FROG is being completed. 

When the CCI is being completed.  


Who goes to the opening/intake?

Outreach worker and assigned FSS


Who determines the time for a level change?

FSS and Supervisor must meet first to see if criteria is met (family progress) to make the move to a next level. 

Then FSS talks to family about their accomplishments and shares the accomplishment page in their next home visit and then level is changed in the next supervision typically at the beginning of the next month.


What is the transition plan used for?

Plan for family future without our program and services that family need


What is the purpose of the service plan and when is it written?   

To provide a plan for the family; After the FROG (in collaboration with the supervisor and FSS)


The visit-to-visit CHEERS documentation must capture what? (The key to all of our home visits)

Parent Child Interactions (PCI) 

Action-reaction- and frequency 


When should Home Safety be discussed and documented on the contact log and safety checklist?  

Within 45 days of the 1st HV and at milestones


All families are moved to Level 1 once the baby is born? True or False

False- it is when the baby comes home from the hospital and you have your first home visit after that. The exception is when the baby is in the NICU. Change to level 1 if mom/dad wants weekly services while in the hospital.


What curriculum is used at Good Beginnings-predominantly?

Partners for a Healthy Baby


Creative Outreach is the same as stalking. True or False

False. Creative outreach is the same as creative engagement or re-engagement. You are trying to get the family to reengage in services.  


True or False: The CHEERS documentation should include specific moments.

False: It should provide general patterns of the entire visit.  


When do we create new goals with families?  

July, January and anytime a goal is completed


What is level SS?

Extra point for family in high crisis or a time of high need. Target child plus 2 or more other children under 5.  


FSS take a wait and see stance when the ASQ shows a delay. True or False

False- Screening results are explained to the family sharing your concern as a screener. Explain that child requires a more thorough evaluation and referral should be made to Child and Family Connections through IRIS. Shine Therapies should also be looped in through signed consents.


How many needs does the service plan include?

14 (with 1 high priority issue)


If there is a ____ or less on the CCI, it must be added to the service plan.  



Where should all referrals be located?

On the referral log (and in IRIS)


When and how are families informed that services are voluntary?

Outreach staff explain this from the first phone call. During opening, consent for services and screenings form explains this. During first home visit with FSS, FSS should reiterate voluntary nature of program and intensive nature of program. Healthy Families Family Rights and Confidentiality –new form 

Consent for Services and Screenings 


The best way to begin building a relationship with a new family is to text them once. True or False

False  Relationship building begins at the opening/intake by being an active listener, scheduling your first home visit right there and giving them a little bag of M & M’s with your name and next appt. Phone calls, text messages, note cards, drop by with a book or gift for mom, and door hangers are other methods to let a family know you are trying to reach out to them with care and concern. Most importantly is scheduling the appointment and showing up! Be friendly, smile and bring joy to the visit as well as fun activities.  Repeatedly.  


A high priority issue in the service plan should be documented how much?  

At each and every home visit (contact log or VT)


True or False: The CCI is completed at every visit.  



How often should safe sleep be discussed and documented on the contact log?  

Every home visit from prenatal up to 1 year of age


True or False. Transition plans are initiated when a planned closure is known (graduating, moving) 30 months transition to preschool is another transition period.  



Creative Outreach is the same as stalking. True or False

False. Creative outreach is the same as creative engagement or re-engagement. You are trying to get the family to reengage in services.  
