Compliance & Privacy
Health Center Operations

Who is PPMM’s Privacy Officer? 

Kathy Fritz


What is our crash cart procedure and where is it located?

Must be unlocked during Health Center operating hours and locked at the end of the day. 

Located in Clinician suite and RR


What are Safety Data Sheets used for?

These sheets are a list of all chemicals used at PPMM that tell staff how to properly dispose of and clean up any spills of those chemicals.


How often should IPV be completed?

Annually and/or if new partner reported or red flags.


Who is the director of abortion surgical services?

Dr. Hamilton


How long do you wash your hands and when is it ok to sanitize vs handwash? 

20 seconds

Sanitize-Before or after touching a patient, after contact with contaminated surfaces, immediately after glove removal

Soap and water- Hands are visibly soiled, before eating, after using the restroom.


What is our cash limit in the drawer before transferring to the safe?



What's in your lab manual and where is it located?

Anything having to do with the lab or lab procedures!



What is your spore test process? 

In- house microscopic growth testing to verify no growth within the autoclave. All results should be documented in the appropriate log and reviewed and initialed weekly by the Lead Clinician..


What do I do if someone asks me a question that I do not now, or are 100% sure of?

  • It’s ok to say, “You know what? I’m not certain, but let me find someone who can best answer that for you”. It’s best to answer honestly instead of making up an answer that can result in misinformation to the site surveyor.

Where is the CLIA license?

Hanging in the lab


Who is PPMM's safety/security director? 

Brian Bissett


What do you write on each pack/bag you sterilize? 

Date of wrapping, the date package was sterilized, initial of person who wrapped. If the contents are not visible in the package after wrapping, they should be listed on the package. If multiple autoclaves, indicate which autoclave the package was sterilized on the label.


How often is equipment maintenance performed? 

  • Preventative maintenance and calibration of all medical equipment is performed annually and as needed (i.e. malfunction, new equipment, etc.). Acerbis Biomed and Conquest Imaging are the two companies that complete this for health centers.

How does PPMM train staff?

All employees go through NHO and job specific training orientation. Once training has been completed the staff member, then does observations and must complete job specific check off sheets before they can provide patient care.


When is the notice of privacy practices given to patients?

Given once to new patients unless there is a major change.


What is our evacuation plan?

Meet on 29th and C st.


What in-house lab testing do we provide?

a.) Rapid HIV

b.) Hemoglobin

c.) Pregnancy

d.) Rh-AB sites

e.) Urine chemistry

f.) rapid strep

g.) finger stick glucose

h.) HbA1c

i.) chlamydia

j.) Gonorrhea

k.) Vaginal Wet Mount

l.) KOH 

m.) Trichomonas

n.) COVID-19 AG 


What is the black box used for and where is it located? 

  • Disposal of specific hazardous medications
  • Biohazard closet

What do I do if I have a site surveyor shadowing me with patients? 

  • Always make sure that patients consent to having a person observe with you in the rooms by asking the patient before the surveyor joins you for any portion of the visit, we take confidentially seriously and want to ensure our patients privacy and comfort!

What is our procedure consent process?

HSS launches procedure consent form in EHR, provider conducts teach back with patient, both provider and patient sign consent in room after confirming understanding.  


What is the visitor/vendor policy?

Show ID

Sign In 

Visitor Label 


What is our medical emergency policy and procedure and where is it located?

Use the ARMS emergency care manual. Located throughout the center.


What would you do in the instance there was a finger stick?

Access the exposure control plan found in the OSHA Compliance Manual on the intranet or hard copy yellow binder onsite.


What is our policy and procedure when systems do down under 1 hour and over 1 hour?

Use downtime forms. 

Under 1 hour-the HSS/RN/Provider that saw the patient should document the visit. Referencing downtime forms, document in EHR.

Over 1 hour- When NextGen is available, check in patients via EPM, using autoflow and ensuring the DOS is accurate. Scan downtime forms into EHR.
