Under AEWV, A person only needs to be meet either the criteria for being suitably qualified or minimum skill threshold. True or False?
False- both is requried to be met.
Where can you find information about the recent changes?
Ops: WA
KB25087: Employer Accreditation (AEWV EA) (immigration.govt.nz)
KB25084: Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) - Work Visa Application (immigration.govt.nz)
KB25094: Job Checks (AEWV JC) (immigration.govt.nz)
KB25195: Reusing a Job Token to apply for the balance of an AEWV (immigration.govt.nz)
KB25186: Work to Residence (WTR) - Green List Tier 2 and Sector Agreements (immigration.govt.nz)
KB3203: Can I apply for a variation of conditions (VOC)? (immigration.govt.nz)
A client has called the contact center and advised they are applying for the AEWV work visa working in a retirement home but is unsure if they qualify under this category.
What questions would you ask that would help you obtain all the necessary information you need to proceed with advice?
* There is no set answer here due to the variety of questions available to ask*
For a JC for a Level 4 or 5 role that was approved before 7 April, is it correct that a) the job token can still be used if the applicant can satisfy the new requirements and b) engagement with Work and Income does not need to occur
Yes this is correct. If the Job Check was submitted before the 7th of April, the employer does not need to go back and complete further advertising to make up 21 days and they do not need to engage with WINZ. And yes, the AEWV applicant needs to meet the English language and other requirements if they are applying for their visa on or after the 7th of April.
You received the below email from an LIA with the following query, what is the answer and where would you find this information:
I’m writing to clarify one of the questions asked in the permanent resident visa online application form.
The scenario is that my client was included in her parent’s resident visa application as a dependent child. Her parents have met the criteria to apply for a permanent resident visa, but she has turned 25 and is not able to be included in her parents’ PRV application. As per RV1.20 (examples), my client can apply for a PRV separately, but she will be treated as a non-principal applicant.
In the PRV online application form, under the Eligibility Tab, for the question “Are you eligible to be assessed separately for a Permanent Resident Visa?”, there are three answers related to a dependent child. I enclosed a screenshot in this email.
Included as the partner or dependent child of the principal applicant. The principal applicant has since applied for or been granted a permanent resident visa.
Included as the dependent child of the principal applicant. I believe I am eligible to be assessed separately for a Permanent Resident visa.
Included as the partner or dependent child, but none of the above statements match my situation.
Could you please advise which answer should be chosen for this scenario? Please note the parents have applied for their permanent resident visa.
The first option would be appropriate in this particular situation. KB 1144
How long does it take Work and Income to reply to an employer?
A) 3 working days
B) 5 working days
C) 7 working days
D) 10 working days
B) 5 working days- Work and Income has indicated they will respond within 5 working days when an employer requests to list a job with them. KB25094
Job Change
Need clarification on this job change scenario: The client still has a valid visa and has left his employment went back home, overseas. Now he has a new job offer wants to apply for Job change because technically visa is still valid. Nothing in notes to say that employer has notified INZ of client leaving job.
Can they still apply for a job change? Cannot find anything in KB that states otherwise.
Provided they are offshore still they can apply for and if issued the JC can return on that visa, they should not try travelling on the visa they hold as it is no longer deemed fit for purpose
Do JC wait for potentially approval before returning
LIA has sent you an email with the following question:
An AEWV holder (initial AEWV was made in Aug/2023 and approved in Aug/2023) would like to extend his AEWV now, he has difficulties in getting work experience proof or qualification proof. Can the approval of his current AEWV visa (approved in Aug/2023) work as "a previous application" of WA4.10.6 (g) (i), so that he does not need to provide any threshold evidence for this AEWV extension now?
Please answer the query and provide where you would find the relevant policy reference to support your response.
The instruction applies to applications made on or after the 7/04/2024.
For the job check/job token do all migrants need to meet at least the latest median wage threshold ($29.66) to obtain their balance?
If they are applying for the balance of the Maximum Continuous Stay with a reused token, they need to continue to be paid at least the amount that they were paid when the initial AEWV was granted. The only below median wage roles that are eligible to apply for a further AEWV with a reused token is care and transport sector roles where the AEWV was applied for on or before 6 April. Refer to WA4.10.20 for criteria on eligible to apply for a further AEWV with a reused token. If they are applying for the Maximum Continuous Stay balance with a new token, the employment needs to meet the current AEWV median wage ($29.66) (unless they are an occupation that is exempt from the median wage – where the wage thresholds at WA3.15.1 apply).
Which roles were removed from the Transport sector employment WTR list?
And where can you find the list?
The qualification does not need to be relevant to the job if you have 5 years working experience.
True or False?
False-Qualifications need to be relevant to the job unless they are a bachelor’s or higher KB 25804
If a client moves into a higher skilled role does this mean they get to stay an additional 5 years in NZ on an AEWV now? What if the application was submitted on 7th April but BEFORE the announcement was made?
KB 25804: No, Maximum continuous stay (MCS) does not reset even if the client switches to a ‘higher skilled’ or longer MCS visa.
Time spent on a below median wage, or 2-year AEWV counts towards the 5-year MCS even if they switch to a higher skilled job/longer MCS visa.
It is May and a client has called and has their English language test booked for June. The client is in the process of applying for the AEWV visa.
The client is wanting to know if they can apply if they have not yet completed the English language test yet if they provide a receipt that it is booked?
Ideally they should not attempt to do this. INZ is not obligated to hold on to applications while they wait for the necessary test to be completed. However, if there is some reason the AEWV needs to be submitted without one (for instance the job token is expiring soon and there isn’t time) they can instead provide evidence they have booked a test. KB25084
When reusing Job tokens, do applicants need to meet English and skills requirements to now qualify for the extension (if they previously qualified)?
Yes, as they are technically a new application, the Note under WA4.10.20 states: Note: Subsequent Accredited Employer work visa applications applied for using a re-used Job Check number as per WA4.10.20, must meet the requirements at WA4 at the time of the applications
Green list Tier 2: if an applicant started in Aug 2023 at the wage requirement of $44.49 per hour and it stated, "must be earned over the 24-month period".
Can the applicant continue to mee the $44.49 wage requirements that was in place in August 2023 when they apply for Tier 2 residence in Aug 2025?
Please provide answer and reference
KB 25186: If the median wage has increased since the client obtained the 24 months' work, the client will only need to meet the increased threshold when they apply for residency.
When is a New Zealander considered ‘readily trainable’ and therefore suitable to offer the job to?
A) 2 months
B) 4 months
C) 6 months
D) 8 months
C) 6 months-INZ considers 6 months to be a reasonable time to spend training someone. If it would take longer than that, the New Zealander may not be considered readily trainable. KB25094
Do AEWV holders need to provide English language test results with their VOC?
No, holders of AEWV will not be required to provide English language test results with their VOC application. This is reflected in a note under instructions E3.26.1.20.
Can also be found in KB 3203
A LIA has called and asked the following question:
WA4.10.6 (g) (ii) states;
An immigration officer may accept that the applicant meets the minimum skills threshold, without the applicant providing evidence, where:
i. .... or
ii. the applicant holds evidence of full or provisional occupational registration for the job they have been offered, where the specifications were required to obtain that registration.
What does the "specifications" mean here? The specifications in the ANZSCO, or the specifications in the employer's recruitment advertisement? If it means those in the ANZSCO, how about a registration certificate sufficient, if a title in ANZSCO mentions " a license may be required " ?
How would you respond to this query and where would you find the information to support your response?
Please refer to the Immigration New Zealand website for the answer of this query:
"you have occupational registration for your role, which required evidence of work experience or qualifications to get, and you provide this evidence to us'"
You may find this information under the Minimum skill requirements which is located in the 'What you need to apply' section of the visa information page:
Accredited Employer Work Visa | Immigration New Zealand
If the job check was approved before 7th April, and the work visa is applied for after, which requirements apply?
If the AEWV is applied for on or after 7th April 2024, then the new instructions apply. Even if the job check was approved earlier, the date of the AEWV application will determine what requirements apply to it. Likewise with Job Check applications, if they are applied for on or after 7th April then the new requirements apply.
Do ex-students of Saudi govt sponsored students need an NSC?
visa”. Understand this is in the onshore section, but even for offshore it states they must be a Saudi government sponsored student. If they are no longer a student, then it would appear the instruction is no longer applicable.
If they cease being a student sponsored by their government or apply for a different visa, then a NSC is no longer required.
If yes, where can you find this information?
Kate's email- Friday 19/04/2024
Is it possible to VOC from a 5 year AEWV to a 2 year AEWV?
Where the AEWV is based on employment that allows a 5 year visa, a VOC to change to employment that only allows a 2 year visa is not possible unless:
An LIA sent you the following email to you about the new AEWV changes:
An applicant meets the minimum skills threshold if an immigration officer is satisfied that they:
i. can demonstrate three years or more of relevant work experience with sufficient evidence from a third party;
Our question: does the relevant work experience include self-employment work experience? For example, a person is working as self-employed for carpenter. If he can provide business ownership certificate and business license( stating the business scope) issued by a third party, can he claim work experience?
There is nothing in policy under the AEWV instructions that prevent someone claiming work experience from self-employment however the client will need to meet the requirements listed in WA4.10.6 and ensure that evidence listed in WA4.10.6d is obtained and provided from a third-party, i.e IRD.
Are clients eligible for the reusing of a job token? To extend to the 5-year duration?
This will depend on each client’s circumstances for if they are eligible or not to reuse the job token.
Key kb 25195
Applying for your AEWV balance | Immigration New Zealand
How long you can stay on an AEWV | Immigration New Zealand
Now the following question is one I actually found within the TA's inbox where they are asking each other for clarification on a policy reference and thought it might be an interesting one to discuss.
We have received a query from an adviser regarding what interim visa conditions apply to their client.
In this case, the client held an open work visa expiring 17/04/2024.
They subsequently lodged an employer specific work visa on 11/04/2024, followed by an open work visa on 17/04/2024.
The system generated interim shows a case manager of Interim, Visa ADEPT with a completed date of 11/04/2024.
The adviser has stated that as his client held open work visa conditions and applied for another visa with the same conditions, that the interim should also have open work visa conditions.
Based on the above it appears to me that the interim is based off the first application lodged 11/04/2024, therefore the client currently holds visitor visa conditions.
We are seeking clarification on whether the interim applies to the first or second application, given this will determine the current conditions.
Clue: You may have trouble locating the applicable clarification in your resources but sometimes logic can play a role in certain questions.
LIA argues IV should be work conditions.