Childish Gambino's middle name
Symbol for factorial
What is an exclamation mark?
What WHO stands for.
What is the World Health Organization?
The beans love her back
Who is Kimmerer?
The man that should not be in this curriculum
Who is Mark Dion?
Third phrase of 32-bar form
What is the bridge?
Percentage of atmosphere made of nitrogen.
How much is 78%?
This mission is referenced in Earthrise.
What was the Apollo 8 mission?
The creator of Rhine Water Purification System
Who is Hans Haacke
The 4 properties of a musical sound.
What are pitch, duration, volume and timbre?
Empirical Rule
What are the percentages in a standard distribution?
What are potassium, magnesium, and calcium?
Wolves close in on this animal on the ice in Solar Storms
What is a moose?
Mythical animal in Battle for the Woodlands
What is a leviathan?
Meaning of Quasi Valse Lento
What is "like a slow waltz"
Sigma notation for the polynomial (3, 7x, 11x^2, 15x^3 . . .)
The tree swollen with water in East Africa.
What is a Baobab tree?
The item Marge Piercy is holding in her picture.
What is a cat?
Organizers of the Armory Show
Date of death for the man who inspired the term "Renaissance Man"
When was 1472?
Euler's constant to 9 decimal places
Number of gallons in a barrel of oil.
How much is 42 gallons?
Linda Hogan is this professor at the University of Colorado.
What is the Professor Emerita?
Creator of LHOOQ
Who was Marcel Duchamp?