The 2 types of artistic analysis.
What is formal and contextual analysis?
The artist who attended MIT
Who is Allora?
The message of Denes's haiku.
Trick Question, she didn't record it.
The cause of Ice Rope's failure
The city of Thomas's birth
Where is Columbus, Georgia?
What is stainless steel?
Monkman is part of the ____ River Cree Nation.
What is the Fisher River Cree Nation?
The amount of toxin dumped into the Love Canal.
How much is 21,000 tons?
The time of Earth Art
When was February-March 1969?
The meaning of Pedro Pan in english
What is Peter Pan?
The dynasty of China's golden age.
What was the Tang Dynasty?
What was Camp Garcia?
The number of CA schools Purifoy taught in.
How many are 4 schools? Ucla, U of C, Santa Cruz, and Immaculate Heart
The former lake that Sun Tunnels was created in
What was lake Bonneville?
Creator of Whole Earth Catalog
Who is Stewart Brand?
India has more than ____ spoken languages and dialects.
How many is 1600?
Anishinaabe women were known for their skillful beadwork and _____ _____________.
What is textile ornamentation?
The date 1.5 million acres of the ANWR opened to drilling.
When was August 17, 2020?
The specific location of Holt's Up and Under
Where is Hameenkyro municipality in Finland?
The man Mendieta claimed brutalized nature
Who is Robert Smithson?
The location, material, and date of construction of the crystal palace.
Where is London, what is glass and iron, and when was 1851?
The three locations Devine collected twigs for Battle of the Woodlands.
Where is the Serpent River Nation, Walpole Island First Nation, and the Don River Valley Nation.
Demientieff is a part of this committee.
What is the Steering Committee?
How many are 15 people?
The full name of Frazier's photograph.
What is "Shea Cobb with Her Mother Ms. Renee and Her Daughter Zion at Nephratiti's Wedding Reception, Standing Outside The Social Network Banquet Hall, Flint, Michigan"