Usage &
Cleaning & Maintenance
(Online Etiquette)
Use Policy

The place where you can place stickers on your laptop.

What is the on the case?


These items should NEVER come into contact with your laptop.

What are liquids and food?


Your online behavior while using your computer is called this.

What is digital citizenship?


The time of day when it's okay to text your friends.

What is when you're not in class or at school?


When there is audio you need to listen to, it's considered courteous to others to do this first.

What is put on headphones? If you don't have headphones, place your device on mute and watch the captions.


The place where you should never put stickers, even if you have a case.

What is INSIDE your laptop?


Using a consistent charging schedule, one place to charge your laptop, and always packing your charger will help prevent this.

What is losing power in the middle of a lesson or project at school?


While taking part in online communities, digital citizenship requires us to demonstrate these character traits.

What is being kind, ethical, and showing responsibility?


After assignments are done is a good time to play around with the Google Classroom chat features with your friends.

What is false? Chats are distracting and not helpful during school hours. Feel free to chat after school if your parents allow it.


You should share your school username and password with your parents and no one else.

What is true? Password sharing is strictly forbidden!


Loaner laptops are available in this location at school. 

What is the Business Office?


Washing your hands frequently and not eating or drinking while working on your laptop will help with what?

What is keeping your laptop clean?


When you post something online, it will stay accessible for this amount of time.

What is forever? Think before you post!


Using Google Classroom to leave constructive comments on your peers' work, start a conversation thread meant to generate a class discussion, or ask a thoughtful question are all considered this.

What are appropriate uses of Google Classroom in school?


Changing the password/username and modifying device settings on your friend's laptop or one of the school computers is considered this.

What is against the rules at ACDS? 

Do not change usernames or password on any ACDS computers. Only modify device settings, browser history, and application settings after getting teacher approval.


This person is responsible for any and all damage to your laptop—even if someone else drops it.

Who is YOU!


Carrying your laptop while it's open, keeping items like pens and notepads inside your laptop, and slamming the lid down can all cause what to happen?

What is breaking your laptop screen?


Staying off unauthorized websites, keeping your username and password completely private, logging out of your laptop whenever you're not using it, and not allowing others to take your laptop helps prevent this.

What are best practices for preventing identity fraud/keeping your information private/not getting hacked?


"Spamming" friends during class is considered this.

What is disruptive to learning? Sending unsolicited messages (spam) to large numbers of recipients is distracting and unhelpful and not appropriate in a school setting.


This person is in charge of all the technology you use in your classroom.

Who is your classroom teacher?


Keyboard keys, nametags, and barcodes are all examples of these things.

What are things that should NEVER be removed from your laptop?


Buying a case, carrying your laptop closed, keeping it away from liquids and food, cleaning it daily with a microfiber cloth, and charging it overnight are all examples of what?

What are ways to take care of your laptop responsibly?


Treating others as you'd like to be treated applies to online friendships and communications, too. This rule is called...

What is the Golden Rule?

If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it to someone's face, you shouldn't type it.


Sending hurtful messages, sharing embarrassing photos or videos of others without their consent, spreading online gossip, or not giving a person space when they have asked for it are all examples of...

What are examples of bad digital citizenship that would make others feel hurt and upset?


This email account should always be used when signing in to Google Classroom, Veracross, Duolingo, BrainPop, and any other school-related programs or websites.

What is your ACDS email address? 

Your ACDS email should be used for all school-related work and activities. Do not use personal e-mail addresses unless told to do so by your teacher.
