Classroom Expectations
Computer Expectations
Recess/Gym Expectations
Lunch/Break Expectations
Fun Friday Expectations

Define Level 0 and Level 1 Volume Levels

Level 0- Silent, Raising Hand to Ask Questions

Level 1- Can whisper to self, friends, ask teacher question without raising hand.


True or False: I need to wait for Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder to tell me I can grab a computer?

True: We all share computers in here, we need to wait our turn to get on the computer.


What happens if I don't line up for recess when Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder tell us to?

I lose recess for the following day.


What volume level are we typically at during break and lunch?

Level 1, but Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder can switch to level 0 if class can not handle level 1 appropriately


What is the last thing we do before fun Friday?

Show Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder a clean locker and area.

What does Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder look for when lining up the class to go somewhere?

Quiet Mouth in seat, safe hands

Name 2 websites you can get on when you finish your assignments?

CoolMath, Blooket, abcYa, Subway Surfers


What happens to whole group recess if we fight or argue?

We lose it and go to 2 group recess for the rest of the week.


Where do we throw away our trash after lunch?

The big trashcan in the hall by Ms. Haley's room.


True or False: On Friday you can trade in 8 dojos to earn back free Tech or recess?

True! On Fridays only can you turn your dojos in to earn back recess or free Tech.

What does our morning routine consist of in ACE 5?

Put items in locker, make lunch choice, grab breakfast, throw away breakfast, anytime can-do

What is our volume expectation when working on computers?

Level 0, unless otherwise posted. (Kahoots, Blookets may be level 1)


What is the first thing we do when we get to the gym?

Stand on an X and wait for directions from Mr. Clear.

True or False: If I request to watch a video during lunch or break, Mr. Cody will put it on right away.

False, if I ask to watch something, Mr. Cody is less likely to put it on for break.

Free Points! 

What is your favorite fun Friday activity?


Name 3 items you like on the anytime can-do list!

Read, Write, Color, Draw, Puzzles, Fidget, Legos/Sensory Bin


What happens if I get on a website Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder did not approve?

I lose my computer for free Tech privileges for the rest of the day.


What is your favorite game in Gym Class?

Answers Vary


What can I do when done with my lunch?

Throw items away, grab anytime can-do items, watch video on view board.


During fun Friday can we play with our classmates?

NO! We have to earn group fun Fridays.


What is our expectation when watching The World A to Z and CNN 10?

 Level 0 in seat, can have snack/drink at desk, can sit/lay under desk


What is this Google based platform where Mr. Jenkins can post assignments and writing prompts?

Google Classroom


True or False: I must stay where Mr. Cody or Ms. Stalder can see me during recess?

True! I must stay within eyesight of Mr. Cody, Ms. Stalder, or whatever adult is supervising me outside.


What do I do if I have leftovers I didn't want with my lunch?

Put them on the shelf next to the heater for someone else to grab.


True or False: We still need to be safe, respectful and responsible on Fun Friday?

True! Just because it is Friday does not mean we throw our expectations out the window.
