How many times you can subtract the number 5 from 25
Famous business boardgame that takes shape with straight lines
The main ingredient in piña coladas
The platform used to submit volunteer and clinic hours
Google forms
Name as many board members as possible (each board member name = 100 points :D )
What do an island and T have in common?
They’re both in the middle of water
NYC nickname that refers to the most special person ever
Big Apple of my eye
This potent potable derives its name from the Russian word for "water"
The name of our recruitment officer
Noah Campillo
What comes down but never goes up?
The red house is on one side and the blue is on the other, where is the white house?
In washington DC
A landmark Louisiana area featuring Bourbon Street gets a classic burger from McDonald's
French Quarter Pounder
Like tequila, this potent potable is also made form tequila
The platform used to sign up for events and clinics
Sign-up Genius
unscramble - EEETNIMXPR
Brothers and sisters, I have none but this man's father is my father's son. Who am I looking at
My son
A Shakespearean tragedy about the premiere sandwich offered by an eatery known for its golden arches.
Big Macbeth?
Shares its name with an ice cream company and a condom size, a massive bottle of wine is called a
how many members are in ace currently
I have keys but no locks. I have a space but no room. You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?
A key board
A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?
The river was frozen.
this Bobby Pickett classic song is combined with a favorite Thanksgiving side dish to make a serving of spooky fun.
Monster Mashed Potatoes
Which type of wine is typically sweet and made from red grapes?
Rosé wine
which board member almost died at the er last weekend (hint they are at the meeting)
What can be driven although it doesn't have wheels, sliced but stays whole?
a golf ball