This is precipitation caused by polluted air
What is ACID RAIN (duh ;)
The main cause of acid rain
This human organ can be damaged by acid rain
What are the LUNGS
These materials can be eaten away by acid rain
Name one way to reduce the pollution that causes acid rain
What is using renewable resources (other acceptable answers include anything that reduces use of fossil fuels)
These are two pollutants that can lead to acid rain
Sulfur dioxide
carbon dioxide
nitrogen oxide
This causes acid rain to travel from one place to another
What is
Living things may die when these levels are to high (that rhymes)
What is PH?
These are some of the things that can happen to man-made items when exposed to acid rain
rust, weakening structures, eating away - causing them to become hollow
This is the government agency that addresses Environmental Issues such as acid rain
What is
the EPA?
Acid "rain" can also include other forms of precipitation such as these
What are
snow or fog
These THREE things are natural causes of acid rain
What are volcanos, geysers, and hot springs
All of the living and nonliving tings in an area (and the interactions among them) are known as this
What is
These three materials are most impacted by acid rain
What are
stone, metal, and paint?
These are THREE examples of alternative energy sources
Any three:
Acid rain forms when THIS comes into contact with pollutants in the air
What is clean rain
Most of the energy generated in the United States comes from these
What are
Fossil Fuels?
This is a substance that can be released by acid rain that is harmful to plants and animals
This is a monument in Washington DC that could be negatively impacted by acid rain
What is the Lincoln Memorial?
In this year, the Clean Air Act was passed
What is
Name one thing that acid rain form when mixed with other air pollution
What are Particulate Matter and Ground Level OZONE (aka SMOG)
When airborne chemicals and pollutants fall to the earth, it is called this
What is
Caused by acid rain, this can cause plants to be more sensitive to disease
What is
Marble is made out of this substance, which can be dissolved by acids
What is
Calcium Carbonate
A device that removes sulfur from smoke emitted from a power plant by spraying water and powdered limestone into the smoke stack
What is a SCRUBBER?