study hacks
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fun stuff

This person knows everything there is to know about finding literature for your area of study.

What is a subject librarian?


This team supports our ākonga Māori, Pasifika, and Rainbow on campus.

What is Te Waka Pākākano?


These are the people to talk to when you feel overwhelmed and don't know what to do. 

What is Student Care?


You have the best views of Christchurch from here.

What is the top floor of the Central Library?


This programme connects you with other new-to-UC students, hosts free events with fun activities and kai, and helps you find your feet on campus.

What is UniLife?


These people can help you find internships and summer jobs, know how to polish a CV and compose a convincing cover letter.

What is UC Careers?


Here you can trade an hour of weeding and planting seedlings for a bag full of fresh produce.

What is the UC Community Garden?


You broke you wrist skateboarding to class and have a written exam in a week. This service can connect you with someone who can write your answers for you.

What is Accessibility Services?


The location of Te Pātaka, the student services hub at UC.

What is Puaka James Hight Levels 2 and 3.


This is the epic end-of-year- party organised by the UCSA.

What is Tea Party?


Here, you can do courses on essay writing, time management, or exam prep.

What is the Academic Skills Centre?


This lunchtime shake and shimmy clears your mind, gets your heart rate up, and is completely free to all UC students.

What is Zumba at the UC Rec Centre?


These are the people you call when you feel unsafe or have an emergency on campus.

What is UC Security on 0800 823 637


This cosy nook in the Forestry building is the perfect spot for new students who not live in the halls to hang out between classes and catch up with mates over free team and coffee.

What is the UniLife Lounge?


Here you learn everything about the clubs we have at UC, what they do, and how to join.

What is Clubs Day?
