The form of cancer Mini-THON is raising money for.
What is Childhood Cancer
The ACL Principal.
Dr. Priddy
1 + 1
What is 2
The opposite of an acid.
What is a base.
Hit mobile game where you need to find the imposter.
What is Among Us
The year Mini-THON ran their first fundraiser.
What is 2022
The Road the Academies of Loudoun is on officially.
What is Academies Drive.
(3 + 6.5) * 3
What is 28.5
Water is commonly called this name.
Hit Netflix Series named off an aquatic organism.
Squid Game
The February Mini-THON fundraiser.
What is 2022
The directors for AOS, AET, and MATA.
Ms. Chang, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Wilburn
8 * 5 * 3 * 2 * 7
What is 1680
This blood type is considered the universal donor.
What is 0 Negative
Which rapper released an album after a five year break this past february?
Who is Kendrick Lamar
The order of teachers that got pied in Pie A Teacher.
Who are Herman --> Goodyear --> Gantz
The first year the Academies of Loudoun Building first opened.
(25.5 / 2) * 10
What is 127.5
How many AP Sciences exist.
What is 7
Who sang the hit song "As it Was"?
Who is Harry Styles
Money Mini-THON Raised (to the nearest hundred).
What is 2400 (2300 is also valid)
The year the first Academy of Loudoun was created.
What is 1977 (within 5 years is valid)
(10^4 / 10^2) * 2^6
What is 6400
How many elements are on the periodic table.
What is 118
Who is Kendall Jenner's Boyfriend?
Who is Devin Booker