How do you enter service data for an aircraft?
Select service from the Actions list or from a DA Form 2408-12
What is a DA 1352-1?
Daily Readiness
If an item is condemned, what tag would i use?
Red Tag
What is a DA 2405?
Maintenance Request Register
Where do you go to do an Inventory transfer?
Supply Transfer Action
What form do you use to log Oil Analysis?
DA 2408-20
What is a PPM?
Progressive Phase Maintenance
What does the acronym UIC stand for?
Unit Identification Code
What does NRTS stand for?
Not Repairable at this Station
What does the part order queue allow for non supervisor users?
submit orders for review to ensure there are no erroneous mistakes
What are Historical Records?
Records that remain with the aircraft or equipment for the life of the item or for specified periods of time.
Where would you go to accept a work order request?
DA 2405
What is a DD Form 1575?
Brown Tag
What does the acronym MCSR stand for?
Material Condition Status Report
What does DIFM stand for?
Due In For Maintenance
How do you create a part request?
Open the Part Request list view by clicking the numeber displayed after......
How do you send back an unnecessary or unneeded work order?
Click Reject Request?
When applying a safety message what is displayed?
Aircraft Window
What user may undo do actions by clicking Recall Request button?
Production Users
How can you view the Bench Stock review?
Click on Last Ran Date
What are tracks?
Track the number of traps a landing system has performed to replace parts.
What does a DA 1352 provide?
Reporting a unit's or org aircraft (manned or unmanned) inventories, maintenance status, and flying time...
What do you use end item lifecycle for?
Extend the TBO hours of an End Item
Nose Goes
External History Tab shows whose status codes?
GCSS-A (Global Combat Support System-Army)