Source Of Truth
Act In Faith
Keep an Eternal Perspective
Seek Further Understanding
Helping Others ASK

God knows all things and is the source of all _____

(Mosiah 4:9)

What is, truth?


I want God to answer my prayers what is the first step I need to apply

What is Faith?


Knowing Heavenly Father's plan help's us keep 

What is, an eternal perspective?


James did not say "if any of you lack wisdom, let him Google!" by M Russell Ballard

According to James 1:5 the apostle James taught us to Ask 

What is, God?


Share applicable teachings from ______.

What is, the scriptures and modern prophets?


Seek learning by _____ and also by _____ 

(D&C 88:118)

What are, study and faith?


Faith requires _______

What is work, action?


We rely on this member of the Godhead for personal revelation. 

(1 Corinthians 2:5,9-11)

What is the Holy Ghost?


This person is known as the "Father of Lies"

Who is Satan?


When others come to us asking questions. We should _____ before we respond, then seek to clarify and understand the actual questions they are asking.

What is, listen?


These verses teach us to do this when we have questions

(Moroni 10:4-5, James 1:5-6)

What is, Seek truth through prayer with a sincere heart, real intent, having Faith in Jesus Christ.


These should be considered opportunities to increase our understanding and to strengthen our testimonies.

What are inspired questions?


To exam doctrinal concepts, questions and social issues with an eternal perspective, we consider them in the context of the plan of salvation and the teachings of

What is, Jesus Christ, our Savior.


These sources are used to find reliable truth and guidance from the Lord when we have questions and are seeking honest answers.

What are, the light of Christ, the Holy Ghost, scriptures, parents, Church leaders including the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.


Help others to reframe their questions in the context of the gospel and the ______ of _______.

What is, the plan of salvation?


God has promised to reveal truth to our minds and hearts through the _____

(D&C 8:2-3)

What is the Holy Ghost?


As we are Faithful to the Truth and knowledge, we have already received, we will receive more. God answers our prayers and questions  

(2 Nephi 28:30)

What is, "line upon line, precept upon precept"?


An example of questions we can ask in order to examine topics with, an eternal perspective.

What is, "What do I already know bout Heavenly Father, His Plan, and how He deals with his Children" or "What gospel teachings relate to or clarify this concept or issue?"


By relying on the Lord's divinely appointed sources for answers and direction we can be blessed to discern between ______ and ______.

What is Truth and Error?


Faith is an action word. We should invite others to 

What is, pray, keep the commandments, study the scriptures and remember experiences they have had where they felt the Holy Ghost?


We can find answers to our questions when we diligently study the word of God found in these ______

(2 Timothy 3:15-17)

What are the scriptures?


These 3 principles can guide us when we have questions

What are 1) Act in faith

2)Keep an eternal perspective

3)Seek further understanding from divine resources.


When we reframe our questions and view ideas based on the Lord's standards rather than the world's assumptions we are able to follow Elder Uchtdorf's admonition.  

What is, doubt your doubts before you  doubt your faith?


Learning to recognize and avoid unreliable sources can protect us from

Isaiah 5:20 many "call evil good, and good evil".

What is misinformation or lies?


Follow through (provide an example of how you can)

Offer to search for answers, and then follow through by sharing what you learn. You could also search for answers together. Express confidence in the Lord’s promise to provide personal revelation.
