The Monitor Model
First Language Acquisition
The Roots of SLA
Key Constructs in SLA
The Frameworks

He proposed the Monitor Model, which suggests that language acquisition is facilitated by comprehensible input.

Who is Krashen?


This stage is not considered true language production in babies, as it is generally a response to a stimulus.

What is crying?


He is considered the father of modern linguistics with his theory of Universal Grammar.

Who is Noam Chomsky?


This hypothesis claims that there is an ideal window of time in which to acquire language, and after which language acquisition becomes much more difficult.

What is the Critical Period Hypothesis?


This type of motivation, based on Behaviourism, is driven by external rewards.

What is extrinsic motivation?


According to the Monitor Model, this is comprised of the social and emotional factors that create a barrier to learning. 

What is the affective filter?


This is the unit of measurement used to calculate the average number of grammatical elements in a child's speech, and is used as a measure of complexity.

What is MLU (Mean Lenght of Utterance)?


In this long-standing method of language teaching, students are asked to translate sentences from the L1 to the L2 and vice versa.

What is Grammar Translation?


This theory states that language is learned through repetition, imitation, and reinforcement.

What is Behaviourism?


This is the unsupported hypothesis that states that teachers must individualize instruction to match a learners' preferred learning style. 

What is the meshing hypothesis?


According to Krashen, this process is subconcious and leads to implicit language development. 

What is acquisition?


In this stage, young children produce short utterances of 2-3 words containing mostly function words, but very few grammatical words. 

What is the Telegraphic Stage?


In this teaching method, popular in the 1960s and 1970s, psychological barriers to learning are removed by creating a relaxed, low-stress teaching environment. 

What is Suggestopedia?


This type of linguistic study compares similarities and differences between languages and predicts why some learners will have difficulty acquiring particular structures.

What is Contrastive Analysis?


This cognitive style is characterized by the learner focusing more on specific details rather than the whole picture.

What is the Field Independent / Analytical cognitive style?


In the Monitor Model, this is the language processing mechanism that corrects errors and edits language production.

What is the Monitor?


This is a one word phrase used by young children to express a wide variety of meanings. 

What is a holophrastic phrase?


Rapid-fire drilling of grammatical patterns is the cornerstone to this second language teaching method.

What is the Audio-Lingual method?


This type of comepetence refers to the ability to use language appropriately in different contexts.

What is communicative competence?


This is a category of strategies that aim to help prepare or plan for learning, monitor and control learning, and evaluate the learning process.

What are metacognitive strategies?


This hypothesis suggests that what is learned consciously can never be used fluently by the acquired system. 

What is the acquisition-learning hypothesis?


This type of input modification uses lengthened vowel sounds, higher pitch, and exaggerated changes in intonation.

What is Motherese / Caregiver Talk


He suggested that through interaction with the environment, children will grow cognitively, and this will lead to language development.

Who is Jean Piaget?


This argument claims that the linguistic input received by young children is in itself insufficient to explain their detailed knowledge of their first language, so people must be born with an innate ability to learn a language. 

What is the Poverty of the Stimulus argument?


He was a prominent Canadian researcher in the field of motivation who described the difference between Instrumental and Integrative motivation.

Who is R.C. Gardner?
