study of sounds of a language that is heard when one speaks.
________ is a subconscious process. With this learning, we are not sure of what our brains are processing. _______ however is a conscious process; It is what we do in school.
Acquisition v. learning Hypothesis
A person whose first language is something other than English and who is in the process of attaining proficiency in English.
Sometimes referred to as two way immersion or dual immersion. They are designed for even numbers of English speakers and ELL’s from the same language background.
Dual Language program
A standard based assessment that meets both state and federal requirements to measure students English language proficiency.
Smallest units of sound in a language. Change in the sounds of phonemes causes a change in meaning.
We acquire language in a predictable order. Sometimes appears “immune to teaching.”
Natural order hypothesis
Individuals who are unable to communicate in English because they have not learned the language and have not developed fluency.
Refers to a wide range of programs such as in school and after school or weekend programs in which language minority students have the opportunity to learn their native or heritage language.
Heritage Language Program
A student is identified as a ____ upon enrollment into a district if a language other than English is identifies on the Home Language Survey. A _____ is not necessarily an ELL.
study of how the individual words are arranged
Even though most language is acquired, we use learned language to monitor or inspect what we acquire and then mentally correct errors. We sometimes correct the errors in our head before they are written or spoken. “Little language teacher in our heads.”
Monitor hypothesis
A term used in special education for ELLs with Special Need
Recognize that newly arrived ELL’s with little to no proficiency in English will have very difficult times learning in a classroom with English instruction. These programs are great for students when bilingual education is not an option.
Newcomer Program
Individual plan that describes the compensatory instruction provided will be maintained in the students’ ELL files. Instruction is focused on the skill or knowledge deficits revealed by the reassessment results.
Smallest units that carry meaning or have a grammatical function. EX. Birds: Bird-mammal that flies s-plural meaning more than one.
Controls how much comprehensible input gets through to the learner. “Lower the affective filter to maximize comprehensible input.” The _____ is a barrier due to stress, discomfort, and fear. It must be lowered for any language learning, or any language to occur.
Affective filter hypothesis
A student who is ELL and with a disability. Labeled ELL and SPED.
Dual Label Student
Placing an ELL student in a mainstream classroom where there is no ESL instruction, no sheltered instruction, and no primary language support.
Noam Chomsky one of the world’s greatest linguists. _____ allows children to figure out the underlying rules of language on their own, because of their exposure to samples of natural language.
the "invisible meaning."
Pragmantics; When one is talking about pragmatics, they mean the recognition of what is being said when it’s not actually spoken
Essential ingredient for Second Language Acquisition. When the Affective filter is low, _____ is presented.
Comprehensible input hypothesis
_______ is social competency, which means one’s ability to get along in social context. This takes 1-3 years to develop.
A language teaching approach in which students physically respond to language input to internalize the meaning and to demonstrate their comprehension of the language.
Another term for sheltered instruction, preferred in California and other states because it places emphasis on the fact that such instruction is academically rigorous and specially designed to match the linguistic needs of the students.