Who was the giant David fought?
Peer Pressure
Feeling like you need to do the same things as other people in order to be liked by them. It can be good things or bad things.
What was the ark of the covenant?
furniture in the tabernacle that symbolized God's presence with the people
How long did the land go without rain?
3 years
What idol did the people worship?
Who was the king when David fought the giant?
King Saul
the ability to do something that frightens you
What was on the ark?
Two cherubim
ravens brought food
How long did the prophets of Baal pray for fire?
All day!
Why did David go to the battlefield?
To check on his brothers and bring them food
Expressing gratitude to God
Who could move the ark?
only the Levites, if they carried it with poles
God sent him to the home of a widow and her son.
How did Elijah build his altar?
12 stones, trench around it
soaked with water, even filling the trench
How did David kill Goliath?
With a sling and a smooth stones
a messenger of God
to Jerusalem
How did the widow keep making bread during the drought?
God kept refilling the jars of flour and oil
What is an idol?
anything that distracts you from God, or that you trust instead of God
Why did David have courage to fight Goliath?
Goliath was defying the armies of the living God. God gave David the courage.
when something is supplied
What were the three items stored in the ark?
1) manna
2) Aaron's rod that had budded
3) the ten commandments
What happened to the widow's son?
he died and was raised to life when Elijah prayed
How did Elijah show boldness?
He challenged the prophets of Baal, he prayed to God, and God answered by sending fire!