They were the caretakers of the Van Danns and Frank family.
Who were Miep Gies and Mr.Kraler?
This was the group the families were hiding from.
Who were the Green Police/Nazis?
Anne and Peter are almost always doing this.
What is Fighting/Arguing.etc?
Anne usually ends up suffering from this in her sleep.
What are Nighmares?
The group were celebrating this holiday.
What is Hanukkah?
The Frank family consisted of these people.
Who were Anne Frank, Otto Frank, Margot Frank, and Edith Frank?
Miep and Mr.Kraler had to keep the families' names off of this.
What are ration books?
The Van Daans and Franks usually ended up having to eat this food.
What are BEANS?!
This person is Anne's roommate.
Who is Mr.Dussel?
Anne gave Margot this as a present, and Mr.Frank this present.
What is a crossword puzzle and a muffler/scarf?
The Van Danns consisted of these people.
Who were a tobacco addict (Mr. Van Daan), a flirty cheating wife (Mrs. Van Daan), and a Crazy Cat kid (Peter Van Daan)?
What are Jewish Stars?
This person gifted Mrs.Van Daan's coat to her.
Who was Mrs.Van Daan's Father/Dad?
Anne claims to love this person more than anyone else.
Who is Mr.Frank (her Father)?
Anne gave Peter this present and Mr. Dussel this present.
What are a safety razor and earplugs? (Extra 300 points for also guessing the paper ball that Anne gave Mouschi, Peter's cat)
The Van Daans and Franks hid in this place.
What was the Secret Annex?
The families gave Meip and Mr.Kraler this title.
Who are ¨our Protectors¨?
This person is introduced at the end of scene 3.
Who is Mr.Dussel?
Anne claims to feel the least connection with this family member.
Who is Mrs.Frank (her Mother)?
Anne gave Mrs.Van Daan and Mrs.Frank these presents.
What are Shampoo and an IOU (Anne promising to listen to Mrs.Frank for 10 hours)?
The families were hiding and attempting to escape this event.
What was the Holocaust?
Mr.Kraler responds to Mrs.Frank with this claim.
What is ¨This isn´t the black market, Mrs.Frank. This is what we call the White Market¨?
Why do the Van Daans and Franks have to stay so quiet for so long?
So they won't get caught by the people working downstairs.
What was Anne having a nightmare of?
"Anne: Oh, Pim. I dreamed that they came to get us! The Green Police! They broke down the door and grabbed me and started to drag me out the way they did Jopie."
What did Anne Gift Mr.Van Daan?