What family is Romeo from?
What family is Benvolio apart of?
What family is Mercutio from?
What family is Tybalt apart of?
How does Romeo react after Mercutio dies?
Romeo is angry, he acts in revenge
Why does Benvolio want to leave at the beginning of the scene?
It is hot ad he believes people fight when its hot
Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?
He was defending Romeo
What does Tybalt call Romeo?
A villain
What punishment does the Prince give Romeo?
Romeo is banished from Verona
How does Mercutio get wounded?
Tybalt stabs Mercutio under Romeo's arm when Romeo was trying to stop the fight.
Why do you think Tybalt fought the Montage Family?
Teacher Judges
How do you think Romeo’s actions will affect his future?
Teacher will judge
What does Mercutio mean when he says, “A plague on both your houses”?
Because the family fight caused his death, Mercutio hopes something made happens to them as revenge.