Quote Importance of Role 1
Scene Summary
Macbeth Character Analysis
Quote Importance of Role 2
“To doubt th' equivocation of the fiend/ That lies like truth. ‘Fear not, till Birnam wood/ Do come to Dunsinane’; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane.” Why is it important?
What is it shows how Macbeth began to understand the significance of the witches’ last prophecy which included that he could only be harmed if the forest of Birnam traveled to his castle atop of Dunsinane. The recent buildup of confidence for Macbeth ultimately is what has led him to his own demise. The readers are able to see the personal battle Macbeth had lost clearly in this scene, making it significant to the plot.
What was the name of the forest travelling towards Dunsinane Hill?
What is Birnam Wood
Give one adjective or phrase to describe Macbeth based on his reaction to the queen's death and what else happens in the scene.
Cold, Power-hungry, etc
Describe Macbeth's reaction to the news of Lady Macbeth's death based on the quote, “She should have died hereafter. \There would have been a time for such a word. \Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,\Creeps in this petty pace from day to day \To the last syllable of recorded time, \And all our yesterdays have lighted fools \The way to dusty death.”"
He says she would have died anyways. He is more focused about war and unaffected by the news of his wife's death.
What does Macbeth say to the messenger after he is told about Birnam Wood Moving?
Macbeth says that if he is lying, then he will hang the messenger on the closest tree and let him die of hunger.
“To doubt th' equivocation of the fiend/ That lies like truth. ‘Fear not, till Birnam wood/ Do come to Dunsinane’; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane.” What does it foreshadow?
What is Macbeth began to accept the fact he would die along with his remainder of soldiers in the near future shortly after this quote foreshadowing his death to the oncoming English troops. However, this quote foreshadows the arrival of the English troops at Dunsinane Hill and the battle between Macbeth’s troops and the English troops.
What news did the messenger bring?
What is Status of the English troops and the movement of the forest.
Describe Macbeth in this scene.
Macbeth is shown to be powerful in the beginning of the scene where he is ordering soldiers to do things. After hearing the death, he is shown to be cold and uncaring.
After saying the quote , “She should have died hereafter. \There would have been a time for such a word. \Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,\Creeps in this petty pace from day to day \To the last syllable of recorded time, \And all our yesterdays have lighted fools \The way to dusty death.” What can the reader infer Macbeth's priority is?
Macbeth's priority is war or keeping power, not the welfare of his loved one.
"If this which he avouches does appear, There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here. I 'gin to be aweary of the sun, And wish th' estate o' th' world were now undone.— Ring the alarum-bell!—Blow, wind! Come, wrack! At least we’ll die with harness on our back." What is Macbeth saying here?
He says that if the messenger's words are true, they have no point in staying inside of the castle. He says that he would like to see the world plunged into chaos and that he would at least die with his armor on.
“To doubt th' equivocation of the fiend/ That lies like truth. ‘Fear not, till Birnam wood/ Do come to Dunsinane’; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane.” Why is this ironic?
What is al battle Macbeth had lost clearly in this scene, making it significant to the plot. This quote shows irony in Macbeth’s point of view since he felt immortal when hearing that he can only be defeated if a forest moved next to his castle. Macbeth did not expect for a forest to move multiple miles. In this scene, when Birnam Wood was spotted traveling towards Macbeth’s castle Macbeth lost all feelings of immortality in confidence. This exemplifies irony since a rather humorous event occurred when Macbeth overconfidence was demolished when an improbable situation including the movement of a forest took place.
What made Macbeth lose almost all his confidence? Be specific.
What is A messenger arrived at the castle bearing the news of the status of the English troops. Hesitant at first, the messenger told Macbeth how he witnessed Birnam Wood moving. Macbeth was unwilling to accept this and called the messenger a liar. The messenger carried onto show Macbeth how the forest was only three miles away and closing in. After doubting the messenger, Macbeth conversed with himself and recognized that his confidence is failing.
State and explain one thing that has changed in Macbeth from the beginning of the play to this scene.
He shows care for lady Macbeth earlier and they worked together. Now, after hearing about the death, he is unharmed and fine with what has just happened showing he does not care about his wife anymore.
“She should have died hereafter. \There would have been a time for such a word. \Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,\Creeps in this petty pace from day to day \To the last syllable of recorded time, \And all our yesterdays have lighted fools \The way to dusty death.” What does this quote mean?
In this quote, Macbeth says Lady Macbeth would have died soon anyways. He says it would either be tomorrow, the day after or later. Also, he says each day they have live has brought them much closer to death.
What is Macbeth telling the soldiers in the beginning of the scene?
He says to hang up the banners and flags on the outer wall. Then he says everyone says the enemies are coming. He tells the soldiers their castle is strong enough to withstand the attack and that they should die of hunger and disease.
Recite at least one section/line of the quote.
What is “To doubt th' equivocation of the fiend/ That lies like truth. ‘Fear not, till Birnam wood/ Do come to Dunsinane’; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane.”
What noise did not affect Macbeth and who went to check where it came from?
What is scream of a woman signifying the death of Lady Macbeth, Seyton
How does Macbeth show his tyranny in this scene?
He does not care about the death of Lady Macbeth. He shows this by saying that her death was near and was to come anyways. By focusing more on war than his love for Lady Macbeth, he shows tyranny.
“Are you afraid to act the way you desire? Will you take the crown you want so badly, or will you live as a coward, always saying “I can’t” after you say “I want to”? ...Who said that? Why, my worthy lord, you let yourself become weak when you think about things in this cowardly way. Go get some water and wash this bloody evidence from your hands. Explain what is happening when this quote is said in the play.
Lady Macbeth is questioning the manhood of Macbeth as she is trying to help Macbeth get the throne. She is trying to manipulate Macbeth into finishing off rest of the plan.
What does Macbeth say the shriek of a woman reminds him of?
He said it reminds him of what fear feels like. He says there was a time when he would be terrified by a shriek at night and his hair on his skin would stand up from ghost stories.