Which fallacy is used in this argument?
What is a simile?
Comparing two things using like or as
What is logos?
Appeal to logic
Define the italicized word:
In one respect I'll thy assistant be, for this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households' rancor to pure love.
deep, bitter resentment
What do you call the main idea that pervades a work of literature and is universal?
What is a red herring?
a misleading piece of information that does not have to do with the argument at hand
Which figurative language is used here?
The tall trees were curtains that surrounded us during our picnic.
Which appeal is used in this speech?
"I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right down in Alabama little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today.”
Define the italicized word:
Carlos found himself in a quandary: should he choose mint chocolate chip or cookie dough?
a perplexed, unresolvable state
Correctly label this diagram:
A: Exposition
B: Rising Action
C: Climax
D: Falling Action
E: Resolution
What is the definition of logical fallacies?
False arguments that may seems strong but have no real evidence
What is a hyperbole?
an extreme exaggeration
Ethos appeals to the audience through...
credibility, authority, trustworthiness.
What is the meaning of the italicized word?
Jill became extremely acerbic and began to cruelly make fun of all her friends.
biting, bitter in tone or taste
Which punctuation goes in the blank?
You asked for forgiveness _ he granted it to you.
semicolon ;
What fallacy is used here?
"Don't listen to him! He has a coffee stain on his tie!"
Ad Hominem
This is an example of which figurative device: My father's thoughtless idea landed him in the middle of the lake without a life jacket.
Which appeal is being used in the speech below:
"I am a child of the House of Commons. I was brought up in my father's house to believe in democracy. 'Trust the people.' That was his message. I used to see him cheered at meetings and in the streets by crowds of workingmen way back in those aristocratic Victorian days when as Disraeli said 'the world was for the few, and for the very few.'"
Define the italicized word:
That man wearing the dark suit and dark glasses is so enigmatic that no one even knows his name.
mystifying, cryptic
What does connotation mean?
The feeling that a word invokes
Which fallacy is used here?
If a black cat crosses your path, something bad will happen to you.
Post Hoc
"Raining cats and dogs" is an example of which figurative device?
What is rhetoric?
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Define the italicized word:
I know you had trouble with the last test, but because your mistakes were highly idiosyncratic, I’m going to deny your request that the class be given a new test.
peculiar to one person; highly individualized
What are the 9 parts of speech?
noun, adjective, adverb, verb, pronouns, preposition, interjection, conjunction, articles