ACT English Vocabulary
ACT English Spiral Review #1
ACT English Spiral Review #2
ACT English Spiral Review #3

What is a sentence fragment?

An incomplete sentence.


What is the difference between a possessive apostrophe and a contraction?

Possessive apostrophes show ownership.

Jason's car exploded.

Contractions are two words joined by an apostrophe.

They're on their way over.

(they + are)


Correct or incorrect? How do you know?

My mother sister aunt and brother left for the seashore.

Incorrect: Need commas to separate three or more items in a list.

My mother, sister, aunt, and brother left for the seashore.


What is subject-verb agreement? Give an example to justify your answer.

When the subject and the verb agree in number (and tense).

Singular subject=singular verb

Plural subject=plural verb

When five minutes are left on the test, what should you do?

Either answer is acceptable:

1. Do not leave ANY blank! Start guessing!

2. If you are almost done, finish strong!



What is the difference between a fused sentence and a comma splice?

A fused sentence has two independent clauses combined with NO punctuations, while a comma splice is separating them with only a comma (it is missing the conjunction). 


Identify and explain whether the sentence below is grammatically correct or not:

Heather the leader of our group was an articulate young woman.

Incorrect: Need commas around nonessential information (appositive).


Heather, the leader of our group, was an articulate young woman.


Identify and explain whether the sentence below is correct or incorrect:

Some parts of the building has no air conditioning.

Subject-verb disagreement

Some parts of the building have no air conditioning.


What is pronoun-antecedent agreement? Give an example to justify your answer.

When the pronoun and the antecedent agree in number, gender, and person.


How many questions are on the ACT English test, and how many minutes do you have to answer all of the questions?

75 questions - 45 minutes


Active vs Passive voice?

Active: Subject is doing the action.

Passive: Subject is receiving the action.


What are the three ways to fix this sentence below?

I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time.

1. Period

I love to write papers. I would write one every day if I had the time.

2. Semicolon

I love to write papers; I would write one every day if I had the time.

3. Comma + Conjunction (FANBOYS)

I love to write papers, and I would write one every day if I had the time.


Correct or incorrect? How do you know?

Either Jared or our parents will lend us their car.

If one singular and one plural antecedent are joined by or, either ... or, or neither ... nor, the pronoun agrees in number with the closer antecedent.

Either Jared or our parents will lend us their car.

The pronoun their agrees with the plural antecedent “parents.”


Edna Gellhorn’s “Walkless-Talkless Parade”

    In 1916, as the Democratic Party’s national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. Therefore, suffragists (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats’ platform to support women’s right to vote.


B. while

C. when

D. OMIT the underlined portion.

D. OMIT the underlined portion.

The best answer is D because the other choices insert subordinating conjunctions (as, while, when), which create sentence fragments. This choice offers the only complete sentence.


Coach Whitehead‘s first name?



Define the four terms below:

Simple Sentence:

Compound Sentence:

Complex Sentence:

Compound-Complex Sentence:

Simple Sentence: ONE independent clause (one subject, one verb[predicate], once complete thought.

Compound Sentence: TWO independent clauses* and NO dependent clauses

Complex Sentence: ONE independent clause and ONE dependent clause

Compound-Complex Sentence: TWO independent clauses and ONE dependent clause


What is the difference between a hyphen and an em-dash? You may create original examples to explain your answer.

Hyphen: connects two* words

Em Dashes: used for parenthetical elements (interruptions and appositives)


The Andean Panpipe

    Whether its bright and jaunty or haunting and melancholic, the music of the Andes highlands has a mellow sound unique in the musical world. The instrument responsible for this sound is the antara, or Andean panpipe, known for the hollow-sounding, breathy notes it creates.


B. they’re

C. it's

D. its'

C.  it's

 The contraction it's, meaning it is, is needed in this context because otherwise the introductory, dependent clause would have no subject or verb. In addition, the singular pronoun form (it's) is required for proper subject-verb agreement.


Edna Gellhorn’s “Walkless-Talkless Parade”

    In 1916, as the Democratic Party’s national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. Therefore, suffragists (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats’ platform to support women’s right to vote.


F. for, the presidency

G. for: the presidency

H. for the presidency,


The best answer is E. The phrase "for the presidency" is essential to the meaning of this sentence, and no punctuation is needed in the underlined portion.


Name 5 random grammar rules:

Answers will vary


Name and define the eight parts of speech:

Noun: a person, place, thing, or idea.

Pronoun: relaces a noun to avoid redundancies

Verb: an action or state of being

Adjective: modifies/describes a noun or pronoun

Adverb: modifies/describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb

Preposition: shows relation (time, place, movement)

Conjunction: connects words, phrases, and clauses

Interjection: a word or expression which you use to express a strong feeling


When I was a boy growing up in Delhi, India, we had a kitchen garden behind our downstairs apartment. My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and head out the back door.


B. gardener—he still is—

C. gardener, he still is—

D. gardener and he still is

B. gardener—he still is—

It offers the best punctuation for this nonessential parenthetical element. The phrase "he still is" needs to be set off with the same punctuation marks on both ends. In this case, the dashes are best for avoiding ambiguity.


Vatican City’s Wonders

    Surrounded by the ancient city of

Rome, Vatican City is an independent nation

on the west bank of the Tiber River. This tiny

country—about one-sixth of a square mile in all—is

also home to a disproportionately large number of

sites with great historical, artistic, and 

religious significance.


F. approximately about one-sixth of a square mile, all told—

G. a grand total sum of about one-sixth of a square mile—

H. a total of about one-sixth of a square mile when added together—


It provides the clearest, most concise wording for this parenthetical phrase. The other choices add unnecessary words.


Edna Gellhorn’s “Walkless-Talkless Parade”

    In 1916, as the Democratic Party’s national convention met in St. Louis, Missouri, to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency and to establish a platform, a set of positions on issues. Therefore, suffragists (those who advocated extending voting rights to women) wanted the Democrats’ platform to support women’s right to vote.


B. Similarly, suffragists

C. However, suffragists

D. Suffragists

D. Suffragists

The best answer is D. No transitional word is needed here because the sentence introduces information about the suffragists that is not directly linked back to the preceding sentence.


Name three of Mr. Whitehead’s ACT rules. 

Answers will vary. 
