How many Stages of Changes named in the Substance Use assessment in our Psychosocial Assessment?
What is the number 5?
Golden Thread
The logical connection between assessment need, treatment plan and intervention.
Meeting with a person to reconcile medications and treatment recommendations.
What is hospital discharge follow up?
Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, relevant and time bound.
What is the name of the first Assertive Community Treatment Team in the State of Missouri.
Who is ACT 1
Narcan, Fentanyl test strips, needle exchange program...
What is harm reduction?
Justificaition for treatment intervention
What is medical necessity
Wrong route
wrong dose
wrong med
What are examples of medication errors?
This is done every six months
ACT Tx Plans
What is the name of the last team to become apart of the Assertive Community Treatment family at Places for People?
Who is the Fact team.
Substance use counseling situations where confrontation is used
There are no situations in the ACT model
Motiviational Interviewing
A person served should receive services from multiple disciplines in a 30 day period.
What is at least three different staff people.
Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Temperature, BMI, Blood Sugar, and Cholesterol Panel are measured yearly by a screening tool.
What is a metabolic Screening
This is done every year and is written by at least four different practioners.
What is the psycho-social assessment
The two FACT Cottages has a capacity of a certain number of residents.
What is 16 or 8 in each cottage.
Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Drug Counselor
What is the average number of contacts a person served should receive in a week?
What is 3x's a week.
If a person served has suicidal ideation, I can expect to find this in the emr.
What is Crisis intervention plan.
What is a goal planning sheet developed in the pretreatment plan meeting?
The Assertive Community Treatment model was to simulate what treatment modality.
What is Inpatient Psychiatric Ward
Preferred Family Dunica
Center Pointe Hospitals
Examples on Inpatient drug rehab facilities.
How much face to face time should the average person served receive in a week?
What is two hours a week?
Long Acting Injectable
Medication Assisted Treatment.
Health Care Home requirement
What is a stated health goal in each treatment plan?
Honey Badger
What is the former team mascot of the ACT 1 Team