
A car averages 27 miles per gallon. If gas costs $4.04 per gallon, which of the following is closest to how much the gas would cost for this car to travel 2,727 typical miles?

A. $44.44

B. $109.08

C. $118.80

D. $408.04

E. $444.40

D. $408.04

If you divide 2,727 miles by 27 miles per gallon you will get the number of gallons: = 101. Then, multiply the number of gallons by the cost per gallon: 101(4.04) = 408.04. This gives the cost of gas for this car to travel 2,727 typical miles.



My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head out the back door.


B. picked up his hoe and trowel, and headed

C. pick up his hoe and trowel, and head

D. picking up his hoe and trowel, and headed

C. pick up his hoe and trowel, and head

It provides a parallel structure for the three items in the series: "he would put on . . .," "pick up . . .," "and head . . ." All three verbs are in the same tense.


Which of the following best describes the difference between the procedures used in Experiments 1 and 2 ? In Experiment 1, the:

A. temperature was varied; in Experiment 2, the diameter of the tube was varied.

B. diameter of the tube was varied; in Experiment 2, the temperature was varied.

C. distance between the swabs was varied; in Experiment 2, the temperature was varied.

D. temperature was varied; in Experiment 2, the distance between the swabs was varied.

A. temperature was varied; in Experiment 2, the diameter of the tube was varied.

Table 1 shows that in Experiment 1, 4 different temperatures were used: 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C. Table 2 shows that in Experiment 2, 4 different tube diameters were used: 1.0 cm, 1.2 cm, 1.4 cm, and 1.6. So, in Experiment 1, temperature was varied. In Experiment 2, tube diameter was varied.


The last paragraph of Passage A (lines 37–49) marks a shift in the passage from:

  1. a description of events leading up to a sudden action by the narrator to a reflection on the intentions and meanings behind that action.

  2. an overview of a family dilemma to an explanation of how the narrator solved that dilemma.

  3. an example of the narrator’s typical response to family events to an analysis of the narrator’s personality.

  4. a chronology of a historical event to a summary of the narrator’s circumstances at the time.

A. a description of events leading up to a sudden action by the narrator to a reflection on the intentions and meanings behind that action.

The first three paragraphs of Passage A tell the story of the night the narrator watched the moon landing and clanked her fork loudly and suddenly. The last paragraph features the narrator considering the reasons why she clanked her fork during the moon landing.


How much time do you have to take the math section?

60 minutes


When x = 3 and y = 5, by how much does the value of 3x2 – 2y exceed the value of 2x2 – 3y ?

A. 4

B. 14

C. 16

D. 20

E. 50

B. 14

When you use x = 3 and y = 5 in the given expressions, 3x2 – 2y = 3(3)2 – 2(5) = 27 – 10 = 17 and 2x2 – 3y = 2(3)2 – 3(5) = 18 – 15 = 3. Then subtract 3 from 17 to get 14.



The antara has its origins in the Incan civilization, once the more richer and more powerful empire in South America.


B. one of the richest and most

C. the richest and most

D. the richer and more

C. the richest and most

the correct adjective form in this context is the superlative: richest and most powerful. The superlative form is needed because the comparison involves more than two items. The writer compares the Incan civilization withall of the different peoples of South America.


Which of the following sets of trials in Experiments 1, 2, and 3 were conducted with identical sets of conditions?

A. Trials 2, 3, and 4

B. Trials 1, 5, and 9

C. Trials 4, 7, and 9

D. Trials 10, 11, and 12

B. Trials 1, 5, and 9

In Experiments 2 and 3, all of the trials were performed at 20°C. In Experiment 1, only Trial 1 was performed at this temperature. So, Trial 1 must be part of the answer. Trial 5, in Experiment 2, used the same set of conditions as did Trial 1: temperature = 20°C; tube diameter = 1.0 cm; swab distance = 10 cm. Trial 9, in Experiment 3, used the same set of conditions as did Trial 1: temperature = 20°C; tube diameter = 1.0 cm; swab distance = 10 cm.


In Passage A, the narrator’s descriptions of Armstrong suggest that she sees him as ultimately:

A. self-confident and triumphant.

B. isolated and alone.

C. awe-inspiring and heroic.

D. stiff and ceremonial.

B. isolated and alone

The narrator repeatedly emphasizes the loneliness and isolation of Armstrong. He is “a lone man in a different atmosphere” (line 21) and “the only man in the universe” (line 27). Passage A concludes with the narrator saying she doesn’t understand “why it would be so great—to be a man on the moon, exiled, in orbit so far from home” (lines 47–49). She admires Armstrong and his achievement, but her descriptions demonstrate that she sees him primarily as isolated and alone.


How many questions are on the English section?



In quadrilateral PQRS below, sides PS and QR are parallel for what value of x ?

A. 158

B. 132

C. 120

D. 110

E. 70

D. 110

The correct answer is D. The question states that PS and QR are parallel. If you treat PQ as a transversal, then ∠P and ∠Q are interior angles on the same side of a transversal, so their measures add up to 180°. Since the measure of ∠P is 70°, the measure of ∠Q is 180° – 70° = 110°.



My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head out the back door.


B. gardener—he still is—

C. gardener—he still is—

D. gardener and he still is

B. gardener—he still is—

It offers the best punctuation for this nonessential parenthetical element. The phrase "he still is" needs to be set off with the same punctuation marks on both ends. In this case, the dashes are best for avoiding ambiguity.


If a trial in Experiment 3 had been performed with the swabs 25 cm apart, the distance from the HCl swab to the ring would most likely have been closest to:

A. 8 cm

B. 10 cm

C. 12 cm

D. 14 cm

B. 10 cm

In Experiment 3, as the distance between the swabs increased, the distance of the ring from the HCl swab increased. When the swabs were 20 cm apart, the distance between the ring and the HCl swab was 8.1 cm. When the swabs were 30 cm apart, the distance between the ring and the HCl swab was 12.2 cm. So, if the swabs had been 25 cm apart, the distance between the ring and the HCl swab would have been about 10 cm—halfway between 8.1 cm and 12.2 cm.


The narrator of Passage A most nearly suggests that her family is angry and annoyed with her for clanking her fork on her plate because the noise:

Individual Question

  1. demonstrates that the narrator has not been watching the broadcast.

  2. disrupts the family’s observance of a momentous event.

  3. causes the family to worry about the outcome of Armstrong’s endeavor.

  4. drowns out the sound from the television.

B. disrupts the family’s observance of a momentous event.

The evidence for B comes from lines 33–36, in which the narrator’s family turns to her angrily after she clanked her fork during the moon landing broadcast, and she says, “I know I’ve ruined it, this historic moment.”


How much time do you have to take the science section?

35 minutes


In the standard (x,y) coordinate plane below, 3 of the vertices of a rectangle are shown. Which of the following is the 4th vertex of the rectangle?

A. (3,-7)

B. (4,-8)

C. (5,-1)

D. (8,-3)

E. (9,-3)

A. (3,-7)

When moving from (2,1) to (–1,–1), you can go 3 units left and 2 units down. Since you want to form a rectangle, you will need to move in the same pattern from (6,–5) to the 4th vertex. Subtract 3 from the x-value, and subtract 2 from they-value, and you will find the point needed: (6 – 3, –5 – 2) = (3,–7).



The pipes, which can vary numerously from three to fifteen, are fashioned from clay that is rolled around a mold.


B. in quantity of numbers

C. number-wise

D. in number

D. in number

it is the only choice that is clear and precise. The phrase "can vary in number" clearly explains that all antaras do not have the same number of pipes.


If another student wanted to test a factor that was not studied in Experiments 1–3, which of the following should he do next? He should test how the diffusion rates of gases are affected by:

  1. atmospheric pressure.

  2. tube length.

  3. temperature.

  4. tube diameter.

A. atmospheric pressure.

In Experiment 1, temperature was studied. In Experiment 2, tube diameter was studied. In Experiment 3, tube length was studied. So these three factors were studied in Experiments 1–3. Atmospheric pressure was not studied in any of the 3 experiments.

What is Ms. Roberts wedding date?

October 9th, 2021


Name all the sections of the ACT in the order of which you take them.

English, Math, Reading, Science Reasoning


What does Ms. Roberts eat for breakfast the most often? (Besides coffee)

Oatmeal (:


Ms. Roberts plays what 2 instruments?

Piano and ukelele

What is the name of Ms. Roberts' puppy and why did her family name him that?

Casper -- he was born on Halloween (:


What is Ms. Roberts favorite movie of all time?

Cinderella (2015)


Who is Ms. Roberts' celebrity crush?

Orlando Bloom ((((:
