Parts of Speech/Comma Usage
Subjects & Objects/Who vs Whom
Irregular Verbs / Misused Words
Dependent and Independent Clauses
Pronouns/Colon vs semi Colon

What does a part of speech include?

A.  A noun 

B. vegetable 

C. basketball

what is a noun


What is the definition of a subject

subject is the person or thing doing something.


What is the definition of irregular verbs

verbs that do not follow the normal patterns for present tense and past participle


what is the definition of an independent clause

what is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought?


What are semicolons

 : a punctuation mark; that can be used to separate parts of a sentence that need clearer separation than would be shown by a comma.


What is the definition of a comma?

what is a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence.


how does who vs whom work

A. Who works as an object

B. Whom works like a subject

C. Both A and B

D.None of the above

D is correct

(who works like a subject and whom works like an object)


which is an example of a misused verb

A. Go 

B. Write

C. Eat

D. All of the above

D is the correct answer


which is the Independent clause

Let’s start the music. When Ronnie gets here.

A. Let’s start the music. is the independent

B. When Ronnie gets here. is the independent

C. They are both Indpendent

A is the correct answer


how do you refer to someone in second person

what is "you"


What is an example of a pronoun

A. He 

B. They 

C. Both A and B

D. None of the Above

C is correct


what is the object of this sentence?

I made my friend some coffee

what is some coffee? 


where are the irregular verbs in this sentence

Let’s drink some of this lemonade. I drank some yesterday and found it delicious.

what is "drink" "drank" "found"


What is the dependent clause?

If Denise comes to class late, I’ll tell her the assignment

A. If Denise comes to class late is dependent

B. I’ll tell her the assignment is dependent

C. Both are dependent clauses

B is the correct answer.


where does the semi Colon go in this sentence

In Western films, dark hats often represent bad or evil characters, a white hat does just the opposite.

A.No change

B.characters a
C.characters; a

D.characters: a

The answer is C


I strongly dislike cats, dogs are the best house pet.

A. dislike cats: dogs are

B. dislike cats; dogs are

C. Both A and B

D. No change

C is correct 


What goes better here.

(Who/Whom) burnt the omelet this morning.

Who is correct


Where are the irregular verbs in this sentence

I awoke to find that a spider had bitten me. Although the wound didn’t bleed, it itched terribly.

what is "awoke" "bitten" and "Bleed"


is the following sentence complete or incomplete

President Bush proposing a manned space mission to Mars in 1989.

The sentence is complete


How would you refer to someone in third person

He, she, it

“Silent Night” was written by two men from the village of Oberndorf Austria., from
B.“Silent Night,” 

C.Oberndorf, Austria
D.No error

C is correct


what is the subject and should whom replace it.

  • To (who/whom) did you speak? With (who/whom) did she go?

whom & whom is correct


where is the misused/irregular verbs in this sentence

I went on a jog around the neighborhood. 

There are no irregular verbs/Misuesd words in this sentence


Is the following sentence complete or incomplete?

 The $500 million cost delayed the proposal.

This sentence is complete


Where does the comma go in this sentence?

For the trip, be sure to bring items such as clothes, money, and suntan lotion. 


such as: clothes

such as; clothes 

such as, clothes

The correct answer is A
