Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
Who vs. Whom
Irregular Verbs / Misused Words

What is a noun?

Definition: Person, place, or thing

Example of how it is used in a sentence: "The cat chased the mouse across the floor. (Here, "cat" is the noun, representing an animal).


What is a Pronoun?

Definition: A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns can refer to people, places, things, or concepts.

Examples: "She, "He, "It, "You, "We, "They, "Us, and "Them.


What is the difference between who and whom in a sentence?

"Who" is used as the subject of a sentence, while "whom" is used as the object of a verb or preposition


  • "Who is going to the store?"
  • "To whom are you speaking?"
  • "Who would like to be on your team?"
  • "To whom was the letter addressed?"

What is an irregular verb?

Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the standard pattern of adding "ed" to form the past tense and past participle, meaning they have unique forms for each tense, and are often misused by people who accidentally use the wrong form, like saying "I have went" instead of "I have gone.¨.


What is a verb?

Definition: A verb is a word that describes an action, occurrence, or state of being.


  • Action: "Jumping", "screamed", "built", "eats"
  • State of being: "Likes", "exists"
  • Occurrence: "Became", "develops"

What is a conjunction?

Definition: A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, or clauses together.

Examples: For example, "and", "or", and "but".

Example sentences: 

  • "The flower is yellow and white" 
  • "She got home, and she went straight to bed" 
  • "I wanted to travel this summer, but I couldn't get the time off work

What is the correct sentence?

Jane is the girl for who/whom I brought these gifts.

The correct sentence in 

Jane is the girl for whom I bought these gifts.


What is a misused work?

A "misused word" is a word that is used incorrectly, often by accidentally substituting it for another word with a similar sound or spelling, but a different meaning; essentially, using a word in a context where it doesn't fit grammatically or semantically.


  • Common examples: "affect" vs "effect", "lay" vs "lie", "further" vs "farther", "accept" vs "except". 
  • Reason for misuse: Often occurs due to confusion between similar-sounding words (homophones). 
  • Impact on writing: Using a misused word can significantly change the intended meaning of a sentence, making it unclear or grammatically incorrect.

What is an adjective?

Definition: An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun, providing information about its qualities or characteristics.

Examples: "Big," "happy," "red," "interesting," "small," "beautiful," and "fast.

Example sentences:

  • "The big dog barked." 
  • "She wore a bright dress." 
  • "The movie was exciting

What is an interjection?

Definition: An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses emotion or feeling. Interjections can be used to make a demand, emphasize a thought, or add meaning to a sentence. They can be used on their own or as part of a sentence.


  • "Hey!"
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Cut that out!"
  • "Rats!"
  • "Whoa, this city view is amazing!"
  • "Blech!"
  • "Oh my gosh!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Oh dear,"
  • "Shh!"

What is the correct sentence?

The boys whom/who robbed the store should be thrown in jail.

The correct sentence is

The boys who robbed the store should be thrown in jail.


What is the correct sentence?

She heard/hear her phone ring in the theater, but she ignored it.

She heard her phone ring in the theater, but she ignored it.


What is a adverb?

Definition: An adverb is a word that describes how, when, where, or to what extent something happens. It is a word that can modify or describe a verb, adjective, another adverb, or entire sentence.

Example of how it is used in a sentence: 

  • Time: Today, yesterday, everyday, sometimes, often, rarely, early, late, soon
  • Place: Here, there, everywhere, upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, above, across
  • Manner: Really, very, well, badly, quickly, slowly, quietly

What is a preposition?

Definition: A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between words in a sentence, usually indicating location, time, or direction.

Examples: "In," "on," "at," "to," "by," "for," "with".

Example sentence: "She sat under the tree¨.


When do you use who and whom in sentences?

  • If the question can be answered with a subject pronoun, use "who" or "whoever".
  • If the question can be answered with an objective pronoun, use "whom" or "whomever".


  • "Who would like to be on your team?"
  • "Kim is an athlete who enjoys distance running"
  • "To whom was the letter addressed?"
  • "Asher wrote a letter to a pen pal whom he had never met"

Why is this sentence correct?

"She went to the store yesterday to buy some groceries¨.


  • "went": is the past tense of "go".
  • "buy": is the base form of "bought"

Key point: Irregular verbs change their form in the past tense in a way that is not predictable by adding "-ed" like regular verbs do.


What trick can you use when you´re deciding wether to use who or whom?

A simple trick to remember when to use "who" versus "whom" is to substitute "he" or "him" into the sentence: if "he" sounds right, use "who"; if "him" sounds right, use "whom" - essentially, "who" acts as a subject pronoun (like "he") while "whom" acts as an object pronoun (like "him").
