Timely - Give an example for how to make your goal timely.
Set a day, date, and time for your goal so you know what specific steps to take and when.
What does ACT stand for?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Define Defusion
Stepping back and separating from our thoughts, images, and memories
Name a technique to help yourself defuse from a thought or experience
Notice it, focused mindfulness, sing it out, silly voices, voice it, journal
Attainable - How will you know if the goal you set is attainable?
Take into account your health, competing demands on your time, financial status, and if have the skills to achieve it.
What are we "accepting," from an ACT perspective.
Difficult thoughts and feelings.
What is the Observing Self?
The Observing Self is responsible for focus, attention, and awareness. It is of thoughts but doesn't produce them.
When someone becomes inseparable from their thoughts and are so caught up that they aren't even aware what they are thinking
Cognitive Fusion
Relevant - What do you think are some characteristics of a relevant goal?
The goal will help you move in a direction that will improve, enrich, or enhance your quality of life?.
In another acronym using the letters ACT, what does the C stands for Connect to ______, and the T stands for Take ______.
Values, Take committed action
Explain Willingness vs. Willfulness.
Willingness is about embracing the present moment and accepting things as they are, even if they're uncomfortable or unwanted. It involves choosing to engage with life fully, rather than fighting against it. Willfulness, on the other hand, is about resisting reality and trying to control what's uncontrollable. It
Trying to get rid of a feeling, sensation, urge, feeling, and/or memory
Experiential Avoidance
Meaningful - What helps make a goal meaningful?
A goal guided by your values.
There are 6 core principles of ACT, name at least 3.
Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Being Present, Self as context, Values, Committed Action
Explain values vs. goals.
True, values are a compass and help us make decisions while goals are desired outcomes. Goals have an ending, values do not
Name at least one reason that mindfulness is important for recovery.
To experience unpleasant thoughts/feelings safely; to become aware of what you're avoiding; to become more connected to oneself, others and the world; to develop self-acceptance and self-compassion.
Specific - What do you need to consider to make sure your goal is specific?
Specify the actions you will take, when and where you will do so, who or what is involved.
ACT emphasizes Psychological Flexibility. What are characteristics of Psychological Flexibility?
The ability to be present, accept your thoughts and feelings, and take action in line with your values, even when experiencing difficulties.
FEAR stands for _____, and relates to ______.
FEAR stands for Fusion, Excessive Goals, Avoidance of Discomfort, and Remoteness from Values.
What is a technique to help you be in the present moment?
Meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, being aware of your surroundings