Faux Paws
Bone a-pet-tite
Haute Cat-ure
Toucan Play This Game

Does everyone have my cell number saved?

Of course, you guys are AWESOME

(I'm giving the benefit of the doubt while writing this.  But still awesome regardless)

757 272 3095


What is proper puppy PPE?

Gloves, gown, booties.  Gauge based on activity - if not picking up/no body contact, use gloves, etc.


What is this cat trying to convey?

Fear, uncertainty, stress


Why is it important to limit the types of cleaners used in the bird area?

Birds are highly sensitive to chemicals, especially airborne.  Their high respiration and heart rates, combined with their skeletal structure, make them extra susceptible. Good rule of thumb is you shouldn't be able to smell your cleaner


The only actual history question - Who is the shelter named after, and who was this person?

Vola Lawson, amongst other things, city planner/manager for Alexandria for 15+ years who advocated for the shelters construction.  Also credited as the first female city planner for AX


What does this error code mean and how is it fixed?

Door lock not engaged on wall-side washing machine.  Can either jiggle the handle or clear the code with the e-stop.


Which dog's gear is not on correctly? FIX IT!

GREEN - bonus points for collar style


Draw a cat claw, label the parts, and mark the appropriate place/angle to clip!


What types of beddings are safe for pet birds?

Wood chips and shavings, clay, cat litter, shredded or recycled paper, and corncob bedding are not recommended for many reasons: They are not digestible and can cause impaction or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract if ingested by your bird.



Just like fuzzers, different herps have different temperaments.  What are the generally recommended "first" reptiles?

Corn snakes are popular due to docile temperaments and gorgeous color patterns.  Whilst wiggly, they tend to be less nippy and more tolerant of kiddos.  Ball pythons are popular due to their timid nature, but generally wind up getting abandoned or accidently killed due to starvation, stress, and eventual size.

Bearded dragons and leopard geckos are popular due to size, lots of misinformation about their care requirements, and their names quite frankly.  What kid doesn't want to own a dragon?


Why were Joe and LeAnne sad?

Kennels left unclipped during rounds - dogs inside.


What is this pupper trying to convey?

Whale eyed - stressed, anxious, "not right now"


According to the ASC Guidelines for Standards of Care (everyone's favorite read), a common safety consideration for vaccinating animals can be ignored during intake due to the close confines/high population.  Which animal population is vaccinated in shelters that would not otherwise be?

Adult animals must be vaccinated with core vaccines at or

before intake (Table 6.1). Revaccination 2–4 weeks later

is suggested for those still in shelter care, especially when

disease risk is high. Animals housed in shelters should be

vaccinated with core vaccines even if ill or pregnant, as the

individual and population risks of not vaccinating out-

weigh the small risk of vaccination.25,30,38 Vaccinating an

animal with all core products on the same day or during a

surgical procedure does not decrease immune responsive-

ness to those vaccines or significantly increase the chance

of adverse reactions.29,36,51–53


What is the difference between vomiting and regurgitation, and how do you know which your bird friend is displaying?

Regurgitation is most common - feeding, mating, bonding.  n


Why is this 100% not okay?

Both highly aggressive, if just together for the pic, and if this idiot housed them together, neither is getting proper environmental controls.


Why was Blessing sad? - she doesn't show it with her natural sunshine, but she's irate

Unlabeled cleaning chemicals in the wrong bottle.  Addressed with other teams via manager meeting.


If a member of the public or volunteer asks, how are dog bites reported in the City of Alexandria?

The City of Alexandria Animal Services is responsible for handling all reported dog bites. Contact us at 703-746-6000 or animalservices@alexandriaanimals.org. 


Identify all grooming tools in this photo - when would it be appropriate to use each one?

Top to bottom - 

Grooming glove

Curry brush


Duel headed brush

Mat rake

Deshedding blade


How can you safely administer oral medication to a bird?

Allow them to drink at their own rate - accidental aspiration is the leading cause of humans-helping-and-killing birds.  Tip of the dropper in the beak, level, then gravity feed meds.


**With the exception of boas and pythons**

Why is delicate handling of snakes so important in a physiological sense?

Most snakes have only one functional, simple lung—usually the right lung; the other lung is smaller or completely absent. Boas and pythons are the exception to this rule, as they have two lungs. The lung can occupy much of the snake's body between the heart and the hind end. 

Snakes have no diaphragm (the muscle that separates the chest and the abdomen in mammals), so they move the muscles of the ribs and body wall to pump air in and out of the lungs. Without a diaphragm, they cannot cough or clear their airways of mucus. As a result, snakes with simple respiratory infections may develop pneumonia.


Whose responsibility is it to improve training?

Everyone.  Generic answer, but me for providing it, Joe supporting, you for advocating, Tony for being my strongarm. Lets brainstorm for resources


I/D These foods!

Puns aside:

Hills i/d

Hills u/d

Hills z/d

i/d - Digestive care - think "I" for intestine

u/d - Urinary care, along with c/d and s/d

z/d - Skin and food sensitivities


Cat communication is highly advanced, having over 10 times the known number of unique calls a dog uses.  

How many cat "words" are known?  

What percentage of similarity is there between a human and cat brain (physiologically speaking)?


Human brains have roughly 86 billion neurons; cats aren't quite there but still have an impressive count.  How many neurons are there in an average cat brain?

Roughly 100 unique words


300 million


It's bird-borne zoonotic disease time! Yay!

ID these guys:

Histoplasmosis / Erysipelas 

Psittacosis/ Ornithinosis/ Avian chlamydiosis

Salmonellosis / cryptosporidiosis / campylobacterosis

Escherichia coli

Histo - fungal, spread by droppings, URI like symptoms. Ery is the chicken borne version

Psit - bacterial, airborne/fecal, flu-like symptoms in humans and some birds (half show symptoms).  Linked to known factors for spontaneous miscarriage in humans.

Sal - Consumption of undercooked meat/eggs; birds usually do not show symptoms, while humans have a strong GI response

E. Coli - undercooked or fecal transimission; can lead to bloody diarrhea and kidney failure in extreme cases


Snakes can't pronounce all their letters, but they do communicate.  Indicate each stress level/body part cues:

RELAXED - tongue, body posture, movements

ATTENTIVE/LOW STRESS- tongue, body posture, movements

STRESSED - tongue, body posture, movements


Limp.  Flicking.  Sluggish response to stimuli.  


Hyperactivity. Hyper-fixating. Lack of tongue flicking. Freezing. High reactivity to touch or movement


Urinating, musting.  Tail flicks.  Flattening/hissing breath.  Jerky movement, sudden limpness.
