True or false: If a pronoun is possessive, it will have an apostrophe.
Explain the purpose of a semicolon.
To connect two fully-formed ideas/complete sentences/independent clauses.
The number of questions on the Reading Test.
40 questions
By what time must you arrive to take the ACT?
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A) "Everyone have their own opinion." B) "Everyone has their own opinion."
How should you correctly use a comma in a list?
Commas are used to separate items in a list of three or more items.
Define the term "theme" in literature and provide an example.
Theme is the message of a text
The ACT is divided into 4 sections. Name the sections in the order that they appear on the test.
English / Math / Science / Reading
A _______ is not strong enough to separate two independent clauses on its own.
Correct the use of quotation marks: "She said I love reading books."
She said, "I love reading books."
What is the purpose of a thesis statement in an essay?
To inform the reader of the argument and supporting reasons in the essay.
You should do this even if you are unsure of what a question means.
Answer it! Make a guess!
Don't leave it blank!
Identify the dependent clause: "Because it was raining, we stayed inside."
We stayed inside.
What is the correct way to punctuate this sentence: "I went to the store but I forgot my wallet"?
"I went to the store, but I forgot my wallet"?
These kinds of questions ask about the passage as a whole.
Main Idea Questions
After you finish the section, or in the last 3-4 minutes.
Name the FANBOYS.
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
What is the comma rule for parenthetical elements (when they travel in pairs)?
The comma is used on both sides of the phrase to set apart the elements to show they are nonessential.
This is a test taking strategy most people overlook for the reading section.
Skim the passage first
What will you do with your phone and other devices during the test?
Give them to the teacher in the room when asked.