Author's Purpose/Compare & Contrast
Word Meaning
Details/Main Idea
Cause & Effect

The rabbit challenged the turtle to a race. There was no way the turtle would win, so the rabbit took a nap in the middle of the race. When he woke up, he saw turtle had won the race. 

What is the authors purpose?

-To persuade readers to take naps.

-To share information about turtles and rabbits. 

-To entertain readers with an amusing story. 

To entertain readers with an amusing story.


The school nurse could see that Amber was in DISTRESS. She had thrown up after lunch, and her forehead felt very hot to the touch. 

What is the meaning of the word DISTRESS?

-the school clinic


-good health

-great pain

-great pain


Polar bears live where temperatures are cold in places like Alaska and Canada. Polar bears like to eat small mammals, birds, and seals. 

Where do Polar bears live?

In cold places 


Eric's mom is having a birthday party this weekend. He wants to do something special for her. Eric knows that his mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. He turned on the computer and looked at the map. What is Eric doing?

Eric is going to look up and plan a trip to the Grand Canyon for his mom.


Alex got an A on his Spanish test because he studied hard over the weekend. What is the cause?

Because he studied hard over the weekend


Great Danes are the best dogs in the world. Even though they're very large, they make good pets for people living in apartments because they do not move around much. You should get one! 

What is the author's purpose?

-to persuade the reader to get a Great Dane.

-to share information about big dogs. 

-to entertain with a dog story.

-To persuade the reader to get a Great Dane.


Beth was repainting her bedroom. She decided she needed one more COAT of paint and she would be finished. 

What is the meaning of the word coat ?

-outer garment worn to keep warm.


-a winter jacket 



Thomas Edison was born in 1847. His first great invention was the phonograph, a machine that could record sounds. He also made the motion picture camera, and a useable electric light bulb. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

-Edison was a great inventor.

-Edison was an excellent student.

-Edison is the reason music can be recorded. 

-Edison was a great inventor. 


"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom?

Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He might also think he is in trouble. 


Jason got grounded after he came home three hours late. What is the effect?

Jason got grounded. 


Anna and Lee both love outdoor sports. Since Anna lives in California, she swims a lot. She is thinking about joining a swim team. Lee lives in Vermont and is the best skier in her class. 

What is one difference between Anna and Lee?

-Anna cannot swim as well as Lee.

-Both girls are good at skiing. 

-Anna swims and Lee skis. 

Anna swims and Lee skis.


Daniel was depressed about his dog running away, so supper that night was a JOYLESS time for the family. 

What is the meaning of the word JOYLESS?

-not depressed

-having great joy

-without joy 

-without joy 


Basketball began in 1891 when a PE teacher needed an indoor activity on a rainy day. He made up a list of rules and nailed a peach basket to a wall. At first, the bottom was still on the basket, so the ball did not go through. 

Who invented the game of basketball?

A PE teacher 


Elizabeth was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Last Friday, her mom called and asked her to come over for the weekend because she was feeling sick. When Elizabeth came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping?

She had not watered them for a few days, so the plants were not doing well. (not enough water)


Farmer Brown's pet mule kept running away. He was getting tired of chasing and catching him, so he decided to build a better fence. His mule never ran away again. 

Why did the farmer build a fence?

His pet mule kept running away.

Some jobs provide services. Teachers and police officers are examples of jobs that serve the public. Other jobs produce goods. A baker creates yummy desserts to eat. 

How are teachers and police officers alike?

-These jobs mainly produce goods.

-Police officers only work with adults.

-These jobs both serve the public. 

-These jobs both serve the public.


Mary only wanted to help, but unfortunately, her speech had the opposite effect and ESCALATED the argument.

What does the word ESCALATED mean?

-make it better.

-made it worse.


-made it worse. 


Honey bees communicate with each other. They can tell other bees where to find food. Honey bees return to the hive and do a dance that lets the other bees know where the food is located.

What is the main idea of this selection?

-Honey bees can talk to other bees.

-Honey bees fly to far locations for food. 

-Honey bees dance to communicate.

Honey bees dance to communicate


I pressed the button and after a few seconds the door opened. I stepped inside and pressed a button with the number 10 on it. The door closed. Then, I felt the floor was moving up. Where am I?

The elevator. 


Sarah decided to paint the walls in her room a different color. She knew she had to be very careful not to get paint on the carpet. Sarah used a plastic sheet to protect the rug. 

Why did Sarah put plastic on the rug?

She did not want to get paint on it. (to protect the rug)


George Washington was the first president of the United States. He led the soldiers during the American Revolution. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president. He served during the Civil War. 

Contrast Washington & Lincoln. 

-Both were presidents.

-Both were involved in war.

-Washington was the 1st president and Lincoln was the 16th. 

-Washington was the 1st president and Lincoln was the 16th.


Denise stared at the IMMENSE pile of laundry and wondered how her children could go through so many clothes in a week.

What does the word IMMENSE mean?






Stacie and Dave love Field Day at school. Stacie likes the short races and Dave is better at the longer races. They are going to do the egg race together. 

What event will Stacie and Dave do together?

The egg race.


Dad and Anna were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Anna. "Sure," said Dad. "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." What do you think Dad and Anna are making?

Dad and Anna are making a birdhouse.


Millie woke up late for school. She got to her classroom just after the bell had rung. The teacher noticed that Millie was late and gave her a detention. Millie got upset and told her teacher wouldn’t be late again. What caused Millie to be late for school?

Millie woke up late. 
