Types of Questions
Test Format
True or False
Nuclear Rumours
Passage V
Practice #2

This type of question is fairly straightforward and simply requires you to read and interpret the information presented

A. Data Representation

B. Research Summaries 

C. Conflicting Viewpoints

Data Representation


How many questions are on ACT Science?



True/False: Read the whole passage in full and try to absorb as much information as possible.

False. Use locators to determine the answer.


Question #2

What is the key difference between the nuclear fission model and traditional infectious disease models in terms of how they depict rumor spread?

A. The nuclear fission model focuses on the role of individual behavior and decision-making, while traditional models treat rumor spread as a passive process.


1. The main purpose of this study was to:

C. Gather data to build a kickflip simulation machine


This type of question presents a series of different experiments on the same topic. They may ask about the design of the experiment and how a hypothesis is tested, confirmed, or refuted.

A. Data Representation

B. Research Summaries 

C. Conflicting Viewpoints

Research Summary


How much time do you have to complete ACT Science?

35 minutes


You will probably need a calculator to answer some of the questions in ACT Science (even though you won't have access to one)

False. Any information you need is on the page or in the passage. Use simple math (round, estimate, and approximate).


Question #3

What is the significance of the model's finding that rumors often spread slowly at first?

B. It provides a window of opportunity to counter the spread of misinformation before it becomes widespread.


2. In paragraph one, the word “paucity” most nearly means:

A. Scarcity 


These types of questions are typically seen as the easiest on ACT Science

A. Data Representation

B. Research Summaries 

C. Conflicting Viewpoints

Data Representation


ACT Science is made up of how many passages? (range)

6-7 passages


True/False: You do not need to know much Science knowledge to do well on this test. 90-95 percent of the questions are not based on content knowledge.

True! only 5-10 percent of ACT Science questions require you to know science knowledge that isn't written on the page. (For example, you may need to know what volume is, or the periodic symbol for iron.)


Question #4

The primary purpose of the text is to:

B. Describe how a new model for spreading rumors was developed and how it compares to previous models.


3. Which of the following graphs reflect the information provided in the passage?

A. is the best answer.


These types of questions are typically seen as the most difficult in ACT Science

A. Data Representation

B. Research Summaries 

C. Conflicting Viewpoints

Conflicting Viewpoints


Name 3 of the 4 categories of Science tested on the ACT.

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth/Space Science


True/False: If you're having a difficult time getting to all of the passages, you may consider skipping 1 or 2 of them all together.

True. Skipping one or two passages could give you a little extra time to spend on the other passages. Don't forget to still make guesses on skipped questions!


Question #6

 In the context of the text, what role does uranium-238 play in the new model of rumor spreading?

B. It symbolizes individuals who require multiple exposures before spreading a rumor.


5. Why did the authors examine the videos of the kickflip process?

B. To find a plausible explanation to unexpected


These questions/passages give several competing hypotheses. You will be asked to understand the hypotheses, both on their own and in relation to each other.

A. Data Representation

B. Research Summaries 

C. Conflicting Viewpoints

Conflicting Viewpoints


Which question type shows up the MOST on the Science ACT? 

A. Data Representation

B. Research Summaries 

C. Conflicting Viewpoints

Research Summary questions make up 45%-55% of ACT Science test. (about 18-22 questions)


True/False: You should find the Conflicting Viewpoints passage FIRST and complete it at the very beginning of the testing time.

False! Conflicting Viewpoints passages and questions are more difficult and can be time consuming. You should skip the Conflicting Viewpoints passage and save it for last so that you have enough time to answer the easier questions.


Question #7

 Based on the text, which of the following statements is true about the researchers’ conclusions?

C. The researchers believe that their model might help in understanding and potentially countering misinformation.


7. A student claims that basketball is harder on the body than skateboarding. Which of the following paragraphs provide evidence to support or refute that claim?

B. Paragraph 4 refutes the claim
