This is the character's principal quest.
These kinds of choices are bold, scary, and exciting.
Good choices
This means you are trying to show the emotions of the character, rather than playing the intentions of the character, or the GOTE of the scene.
Never try to ____ your partner.
These are the strategies of human communication.
These kinds of choices are not specific.
Bad choices
This means playing an emotion for all it's worth, mainly to show off your ability to emote.
Don't ____ the scene... if you want something to happen in the scene, work for it.
This is the person from whom you seek your goal.
These kinds of choices are safe, sane, and ordinary.
Bad choices
This is your obligation and responsiblity.
being heard
You can not simply ___ something or somebody onstage.
Fill in the blank (or walk the plank): the other in a scene is often the primary _____
Fill in the blank: Choose ____ that excite you personally and physically.
This cue is the moment that prompts you to speak. It Is what makes you say your next line.
Action Cue
The actor must pursue a goal in the context of a/an _____.
Fill in the blank: There is always a/an ______ in acting.
Fill in the blank: Choose ____ that frighten you personally and physically.
This cue is the actual you come on in.
Line Cue
The more fully you ______ your acting partner, the more fully you will be acting.