Refers to the size of the opening in the lens that determines the amount of light falling onto the film or sensor. The size of the opening is controlled by an adjustable diaphragm of overlapping blades similar to the pupils of our eyes. Aperture affects exposure and depth of field.
What is Aperture?
Shoot with action moving toward, not across the camera
What is most effective and reliable way to "freeze" action?
Not all sports pictures have to have action and not all action pictures have to be about this.
What is Sports?
In order to capture sharp, clear focus, you need to let light in. This would help you make up for having a slow shutter speed (which can make things blurry).
What is a Small Aperture?
This is the thing that determines how long your sensor is exposed to light.
What is the Camera's Shutter?
The amount of time the camera shutter remains open.
What is Shutter Speed?
Following the subject with your camera to create a sense of speed around a moving object. When successful, the subject remains in focus, but the background appears to be moving.
What is "Panning?"
(With actual cameras) this means to have the shutter button partly depressed and the auto-focus engaged. But just in general, it means to be waiting and ready to catch the right moment.
What is Anticipate?
This Berkley Professor, landscape photographer and co-founder of the f/64 club is the one who said "You don't just take a picture, you MAKE it."
Who is Ansel Adams?
Most people think this is a great way to freeze action, but not only can it look unnatural, but if your subject is closer to you than 5 feet or more than 15 feet away, they it may actually make them look worse or even make them disapear.
What is Flash?
How sensitive to light the sensor is. When film was used, sensitivity levels were standardized by an international organization (hint, hint).
What is "ISO?"
An automatic exposure system in which the photographer sets the shutter speed and the camera selects the apertures (f-stop) for normal exposure
What is Shutter Priority Mode?
Usually the best camera-setting for shooting action shots
What is "Shutter Priority Mode (Tv)?"
Photographers literally capture this chronological phenomenon. (Hint; Not light, and not Space)
What is Time?
A ring of overlapping metal leaves inside the lens that determines the size of the aperture. It's sort of like the sphincter muscles in the iris of a human eye, which shrinks or enlarges the pupil (which would be like a camera's aperture).
What is a Diaphragm?
Faster Shutter Speed can be used to freeze motion.
However, the less time the shutter is open, the less light gets in, so pictures may turn out dark or “underexposed.” There's a way to compensate for this.
What is using a wider aperture?
Following the action with your camera, so that the subjects are in focus but the background is blurred
What is "Panning?"
Where do you want the action to be coming, so that you can freeze it?
Where/What is Heading Toward You?
Combining Fast shutter speed and Wide aperture will freeze action, but ALSO create an effect in which backgrounds are blurry.
What is a narrow/shallow Depth of Field?
CCD (charge coupled device) or CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor). In digital cameras, this has replaced film. When exposed to light, it translates photons into binary information.
What is a Digital Sensor?
F-stop numbers; f/4, f/8, f/11, f/32, f/64
What are Aperture settings?
800 or above would be optimal numbers of what feature in order to capture the action at a sporting event. (hint, its part of the exposure triangle).
What is "Film Speed/(ISO)?"
Wasting time reviewing your pictures on the LCD screen when you should be aware of what’s going on in the game.
What is "Chimping?"
Ultimately, all good photography does this, whether it's posed, candid, documentary, journalistic, or artistic.
What is Story Telling?
An optical component that is mounted onto a camera body that focuses light onto the camera's image sensor or film.
What is a Camera's Lens?